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Signatures for "Declaration of Human Rights for World Citizens" in 2002

Mr. Trond Lovdal/Deputy Director of Norwegian Trade Council

Q: It's our pleasure to have you to be here. Could you share your feeling about the signature campaign?

A: Sure. I think it's a very good initiative on behalf of the Tai Ji Men, and Dr. and Mrs. Hong, because particularly in these days, with war and strive everywhere, in Middle East, in Sri Lanka, and else where. I think it's a very good initiative to take to see if we can help improve the situation and improve peace and human rights on this planet.

Q: As you know, the UN has declared the ten years for the human rights education. In your country, how do you promote human rights education, and what do you expect in the future?

A: Norway has very long tradition promoting human rights and peace. Right now, we have peace negotiators in Sri Lanka trying to save and solve the internal problem of civil war there. Norway has very strong education in junior high and even in the elementary schools, there is education on human rights and what we should do to promote those rights.

Q: Our Dr. Hong just said that human rights has very close relationship with promoting peace. What do you think the relationship between the two?

A: I think it's very important as he says because in promoting human rights, one also promotes the idea that love yourself, love other people, love your own country, love other people's country. And I think if you start with human rights, then you can also promote peace, because human rights means that you observe everyone's right, no matter where they come from, creed, sex, religion, etc. So if you can promote that, you also help promote peace. There's a very strong connection, I believe.

Q: Today's signature is organized by our three group: AWC, Tai Ji Men, and FOWPAL. They always promote human rights, and do our best. Could offer some suggestion for us?

A: I believe you are doing very well. I think these initiatives that you're doing are superb. To bring them more into the international arena, and do cultural diplomacy that your President has been promoting, I think in doing these things from put more spotlight on this event, and I think that you already starting that, and I just recommend that you continue your effort and promoting it worldwide, not only here in Taiwan.

Q: Today, you represent your country, Norway. What do you think you can do for your country, even the whole world?

A: For our country, I believe that the Norwegians themselves can also take up on this appeal, and maybe start similar initiatives in Norway, and work with all the countries in order to promote human rights.

AWC Reporter


An Interview of Vice President Annette Lu on Human Rights
An Interview of signatures for "Declaration of Human Rights for World Citiznes in 2002"
Mr. Kuo Yi Chien / Genaral Manager of ASIA Broadcasting Networks
Mr. Trond Lovdal / Deputy Director of Norwegian Trade Council