The Future of the 21st Century’s Environment is in Your Hands

Tom Chang/Owner/Retired restaurant

There have been many predictions regarding the course of our global environment. 
This is the tenth year of the twenty-first century, and according to religious sources, the world, as we know it, is quickly coming to an end.  Chinese people believe that the best possible society is one in which the majority of people aspire to live pure and responsible lives.  Throughout history, however, every civilization of the world has proven to foster both individuals who do Good as well as those that do Ill. 

People believe that the environment of the Earth is declining more and more, with the rainforests rapidly being destroyed, and global temperature on the rise.  The polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, and arable land is growing scarcer while deserts grow larger.  Considering all of these factors, our way of living is coming to an end. 

The universe as a whole is being plagued with black holes.  Every step made is toward destruction.  Even so, the science of the 21st century is improving rapidly, and the possibility of high-speed space travel is within our reach.  It may soon be plausible to easily travel to the moon, to Mars, or to other galaxies.  The possibilities are limited only to the breadth of our imagination. 

Both optimistic and pessimistic futures are possible.  Humanity will reap what it sows.  If we all work together to purify our ethics and our values, we can make this universe a better place.  Still, good intentions without action will prevent such a future from taking shape. 

In this world, people are constantly fighting religious wars.  This is a great tragedy.  Every person must protect every source of good in the world from surface to core.  We must emphasize all kinds of education: marital education, pre-natal education, young children’s’ education, adolescent education, religious education, ethical education, the education for elderly care.  The objective is a care for humanity.  And that will elevate humanity’s collective morality. 

This mentality will affect every family’s living environment.  All living beings on Earth will move toward a more peaceful and serene society and world.  I wish that the whole human race will work hard to move in this direction.  We must have faith and ambition to work towards a new and better 21st century.