The human proper right under global warming

Wen Ren Yuan/Student/National Chiao Tung Universuty

Now a day, global warming has become worse. It has made the world's weather become more and more unpredictable. Like now, I have live in Taiwan for 3 years and felt the weather become stranger. Usually, at the middle of June, it will felt like a start of summer. But now, it is still raining every day. Not just the weather, the effects has cause massive earthquakes around the world, like the one in Haiti believed to be caused by a global warming.

But even having known that global warming can cause a lot of disaster to our environment. Most of people in the world still don't care about the global warming, like sometimes people won't turn off their personal computer for all night even though they went to sleep and not using their personal computer. I think it is time that we care a little for our earth. We have to think about the future of the children. Do we want our children living in a world of chaos? Where the climate is unpredictable? Where a earthquake can happen suddenly? The answer is no right. We want the children can live peacefully in this world. Where they don't need to afraid of dying because of sudden earthquake

It is time we need to stop the global warming become worse. A few we can do is conserve the forest, reduce the usage of electrical appliances that produces green house gases, increase consumption of organic food and still many more ways that we can do to help stop the global warming. So, let us teach the people around us and ask them to stop the global warming together. It is not too late, together we can preserve the beauty of our earth!