How much tissue do you need?

Vi Arboleda/Freelancer

My sister works for a fast food restaurant and they only give one piece of tissue for every meal. So if you ordered for three people you get 3 pieces of tissue. If you're alone, you get one. I don't see anything wrong with that. That's one way of saving tissue - ergo natural resources - right there. 

So anyway, one day, my sister was at the counter and a customer asked for additional tissue. So she gave her a couple more. The customer said “ Pahingi pa ” (I'd like some more). My sister, being the taklesa (tactless person) that she is, said “Maliligo???” (Taking a bath???) as she gave her more tissue.

I mean really, how much tissue do you need to wipe off some salt, ketchup or mayonnaise off your mouth? How big is your mouth? Have you tried unfolding a tissue? It's the size of an adult's face, for crying out loud! How much do you need to wipe the plastic utensils before you use them? 

What's with tissue that we feel the need to hoard them? My best friend is a certified tissue hoarder. I can't explain it. She just has to have more tissue. She has to take more clean, unused tissue after we leave a restaurant, a fast food chain, even a public washroom. More on her tissue hoarding some other time.

If you go to Starbucks, there are tables left with unused and dry tissue. Can tissue really be that tempting? Nakakapag-takaw-tingin ba ang tisyu? (Does it strike your appetite?)

If you order a frap, it's understandable that once the crushed ice melts, you'll need tissue to wipe off the surface of your tumbler. But 3 or 4 tissues for one tumbler of frappucino? Even if you ordered a venti, that's too much.

Unfortunately, if the over-excited-over-Starbucks-tissue customers opted to dine or drink outside and didn't even have the courtesy to throw the tissues in the trash bin, those tissues end up flying off the streets and become eye sores. 

In my opinion, unless you're dining with a slobbery dog or natapunan ka (got spilled on)   you don't need more than a piece of tissue.