Environmental Protection

Limited Resources

Cher Chang/Student/Irvington High School

We only have one place to live in—Mother Earth. Yet, we are not appreciating the resources the Earth has given to us. Deforestation, oil consumption, and habitat destruction are just a few examples, of how us, humans, abuse our home. The reason why many people don’t take action to save our planet is that they feel that we have unlimited resources. Well, what happened to Easter Island was the living proof of what we would end up if we don’t begin to save our natural resources.

Easter Island was once a beautiful island in which its resources become depleted due to the islanders need of constructing the human stone statues like the picture below. Years later, as the resources become less and less, the islanders were forced to turn into cannibals. In the end, the entire human race on the island was extinguished due to the depleted resources.

The story of Easter Island serves as a warning to us. It proves to the world that if we don’t hurry and save our limited resources. Then we, too, will soon turn into cannibals, struggling to survive. If we want to live in a happy place, then we need to take action now, because after all, Earth is all we have.