De Anza College / Sandy Chuang

 I immigrated to USA five years ago, and I like American education system which usually emphasizes to motivate student’s creativity, and encourages every student to talk freely.  However, nothing is always perfect. There is only one thing, too many SUV cars, I don't like.

 When I was stuck in the traffic, I know many people drive SUV which only one person is in the car. It's wasteful for our natural resource. Therefore, we should commute with other people that can help us to save gas as well as our living environment.

 Bigger cars use more gas, and those cars produce more pollution. However, there is only limited natural resource, and oil will run out some day. Oil won’t magically come back once it runs out one day. In addition, when carbon dioxide gets stuck in the atmosphere, it will become global warming which causes our earth to get hotter year by year.  For instance, flood disaster is caused by iceberg melts, some animal go extinct, disrupts normal weather pattern, and draughts cause hurricanes.

 In my home country, Taiwan, not too much people own their own car, but it seems everyone in American has their own car. Most of people in Taiwan like to use public transportation such as: light rail, train, and bus. Some of them choose to walk or ride a bike.

 The oil needs billions of years to create. If we still keep using bigger car, the gas will run out.  I think we should stop making SUVs, and switch to Hybrid car or develop alternative energy other than oil.