City Montessori School / TEJASVI SHUKLA

“ sahri daya samasya mavidavesh krinomi vah
   Anyom anyamabhi haryat vatsam jatmivaghna “

 It’s not only we humans who say that we are equal but also God in form of religious books tell us about equality in us. This shloka from rig veda says-
“oh human beings, I create you in the same category, I accord you with single mindedness and make you completely free of envy and malice. Oh people! Have such dedicated attraction towards one another just as a cow has towards its newly born calf!”

 Due to increasing prejudices and false believe, religion today is becoming more and more complex which causing external of religion, that are the rights and rituals, to dominate the eternal laws, that are true devotion/worship. Here when religion fails to do its duty, the need arises for laws common to all people, irrespective of any difference of any kind.

 Therefore this, the members of all nations sat together at UNO at the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS with 21 articles for preserving the rights of common people. Today once again due to extreme terrorism and slavery all around, the need of human rights is one of the most important hope for human kind. Today where all laws, all rights are going waste giving human rights. BECAUSE IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN?

 Today where there is disunity all around and people are forgetting divinity Article 1 of human rights says, “All are born free and must act towards one another with a spirit of brotherhood”. Everywhere when people are insulted due to colour, caste, creed, religion etc. Article 2 of human right says, “All men are entitled to all rights without any distinction of any kind”.

 Today everywhere there is slavery. Article 4 of human rights for this says, “no one shall be held in slavery and slave trade shall be strictly prohibited”.

 Today where all courts become partial and help culprits, Article 7 of human right says, “ all are equal before law without any discrimination”. Today where people of lower castes are not allowed to attend high class ceremonies, Article 10 from human rights says, “Everyone is entitled to fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal”.

 Even after having such useful laws, why can’t we light a candle of hope in the dark night of the world thickened with the fog of selfishness, brutality and prejudices.

 Here therefore, I appeal to promote human rights for the dark night to be washed away by the sun of human rights, so that each human has one’s own rights as well as certain duties. If today this step is not taken, it will be too late to step.

As it is said that-
“A journey of miles starts with a single step”

I take the first step, what about you….