Protect Environment

City Montessori School / AKSHAT JAIN

 Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the environment, on individual, organizational or governmental level, for the benefit of the natural environment and (or) humans. Due to the pressures of population and our technology thebiophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized and governments began placing restraints on activities that caused environmental degradation. Since the 1960s activism by the environmental movement has created awareness of the various environmental issues. There is not a full agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity and protection measures are occasionally criticized.
Academic institutions now offer courses such as environmental studies, environmental management and environmental engineering that study the history and methods of environmental protection. Protection of the environment is needed from various human activities. Waste, pollution, loss of biodiversity, introduction of invasive species, release of genetically modified organisms and toxics are some of the issues relating to environmental protection.

 Many Constitutions acknowledge the fundamental right to environmental protection and many international treaties acknowledge the right to live in a healthy environment.

 Also, many countries have organizations and agencies devoted to environmental protection. There are International environmental protection organizations, as the United Nations Environment Programme.

European Union
 Environmental protection has become an important task for the institutions of the European Community after theMaastricht Treaty for the European Union ratification by all Member States. The EU is already very active in the field of environmental policy with important directives like those on environmental impact assessment and on the access to environmental information for citizens in the Member States.

New Zealand
 At a national level the Ministry for the Environment is responsible for environmental policy and the Department of Conservation addresses conservation issues. At a regional level the regional councils administer the legislation and address regional environmental issues.

United States
Since 1970, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working to protect the environment and human health. All U.S. states have their own state departments of environmental protection.
The EPA has drafted "Seven Priorities for EPA’s Future", which are
‧"Taking Action on Climate Change"
‧"Improving Air Quality"
‧"Assuring the Safety of Chemicals"
‧"Cleaning Up Our Communities"
‧"Protecting America’s Waters"
‧"Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice"
‧"Building Strong State and Tribal Partnerships"

In literature

 Environmental protection has become a theme in fiction as well as non-fictional literature. Books such as Antarctica and Blockade have environmental protection as a theme whereas The Lorax has become a popular metaphor for environmental protection.


 Water pollution takes place when effluents from factories are lots in to the river. Paper mills, sugar mill tannery lot in effluents in rivers or allow them to stagnate on land. These effluents seep through or pollute under groundwater effluents from large no of tanneries in North Ascot district in Tamil Nadu have polluted well water in a large no of villages.

 The most widespread source of water pollution is disposal of sewage of Urban centers into rivers. The Ganga, Yammuna are polluted water affected organic live river & water born diseases like typhoid affect human pollution. 
The water drawing from the field is enter rivers & lake and pollutes them enrichment of water by nutrient results in entrophozation of lakes this results in excessive growth of algae & depletion of dissolved oxygen aquatic organisms including fish cannot survive under such conditions.

 Ocean water are polluted by discharge of sewage from cities located along the coast, effluent from factories along the coast & discharge of sewage from cities located along the coast & discharge from polluted rivers. Eutrophication of coastal marshes & swamps also effect mariain life. In the open ocean oil spills from tankers has adverse effect on Marian life. Such oil spills cause pollution over wide areas owing to spread of oil by waves & currents.
Water is every thing for human being without water human being cannot survive our is polluted in many ways. 

 E.g.:- The waste of material of factories when thrown to rivers pollutes water. Some people use rivers to wash their cloths & to take bath.

 Water is indispensable for our life. About 2/3of earth is water. No organisms can survive with out water. So keeping water free from any pollutant is very important. Water is said to be “polluted” when it is changed it is changed in its quality & composition directly or indirectly by men activity so that it became less stable for drinking, domestic or any other purpose. Polluted water transmits a large no. of disease in man. 

 They are cholera, typhoid & other viral diseases. 

 Causes:- The river, pounds, lakes & seawater is polluted with verity of liquid & solid wastes. These are due to population explosion, industrialisation & under water atomic explosion.
Sewage from washing, kitchen, urine etc is thrown into rivers from cities located on the bank. The water taken from such rivers for drinking purpose is to chlorinate before it is used.

 Minerals & organic wastes carried to lake, river & sea from agricultural fields with nitrogen & phosphate fertilizer. The waste become deoxygenated & toxic, so this cannot support aquatic life.

 The large contributors to water pollution are no. of industrial wastes. Industrial waste includes mercury from paper industry & combustion of forest fuels. Lead is released from rock bearing metals. Copper & zinc are also released as industrial wastes. They act as food contaminants. 

 Liquid radioactive waste released into sea from nuclear installations. Radioactive tests are performed on high seas. The current of sea curry the contaminates all over there by polluting the water. These molecules get into aquatic animals. Fish consume these nuclear contaminates & them fish cannot be consumed by man.

Control of water pollution
1. Rapid biodegradable substitutes for pesticides should be employed.
2. Restricted application of DDT for malaria control programmers.
3. Recycling of waste products as far as possible should be done.
4. Recently a national programmer is undertaken by central government to clean the river
Ganga & keep it pollution.


 The main reason of Air Pollution is burning of fossils fuels in large quantities accent decades has resulted in gradual increase in carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere. It is estimated that content of carbon dioxide has increased by 25% during the last 100 years. Carbon dioxide allows in solution to pass through but absorbs out going terrestrial radiation increase of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has the effect of increasing the temp of atmosphere. It is estimated that global main temp has increased bet 0.3 degree - 0.7 degree celsius in the last 100 years. Trees carbon dioxide content in also attributed to large-scale deforestation. Trees absorb carbon dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere.

 Burning of coal & oil also add sulphur to the atmosphere. Lead, Co & nitrogen oxide on adding to the atmosphere from automobile exhaust. Inhalation of automobile exhaust causes nasal irritation & respiratory diseases. These gases are also responsible for causing acid rain in industrial region of Europe & North America. Acid rain affect aquatic ecosystem as water. So polluted cannot support fish other life forms. Lakes in Sweden, orway, Canada & U.S are effected by acidification. Acid rain also damages forests to great extent. Growth of trees is affected. About ten million he heacters of forests are damaged in Europe.

 The ozone layer is affected by exhausts from jet aircraft. CFC (cloro fluro carbon) is a stable compounds used in aerosol propellants in sprayers refrigeration's & for depletion of ozone layer to the extent of 3%-4%. In the last 100 years the ozone in the higher atmosphere serves as shield protecting the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation enters the earth surface & may cause skin cancer.

 Gaseous effluents from factories pollute the atmosphere. Smoke, dust & particles of carbon, lead etc enter the atmosphere on coal night when bag occurs these particles remain suspended in the air. This condition is called smog. The smog over London in 1952 resulted in the death of about 4000 persons by suffocation. Accident moving escape of poisonous gases from industries cause illness & death. The escape of poisonous gas from pesticides plant in Bhopal in 1984 resulted in the death of 1000 person. The accident at ehernoply atomic power plant in the former soviet union in 1986 caused intensive damage owing to leakage of radioactive material to the atmosphere.

Global Problem - Air Pollution

 Air pollution is global significance unlike water or land pollution. Which are of local or regional effects air pollution transfers the pollutants to water & land or oceans as pollution result of rainfall Air pollution affects plants & animals as well as human being. In urban environment, pollution of air from automobiles exhausts is so high that people wear facemask to protect themselves. The major component of the piosphere is air without which no life can live, without air pure quality;here can be no healthy life. Clean air is pollution rare thing now a day espeially in metropolitan cities. Air pollution differs from industrid less perennial during working hours and they can drift high or low & in any direction depending on the wind & weather. Air pollution spreads & has wide impact than other form of pollution. If water is polluted, one can avoid drinking or may drink it purification. But cannot avoid breathing polluted air. This kind of air contain solid & liquid particles such as dust, carbon, hydro-carbon etc which are elecrically charged & thus kept in suspension by electrostatic forces. It may also contain gases, which are poisonous in nature Sulphur dioxide, Co, nitrogen, hydrogen vaporous & other substances this must harmful element in benzopyrene.

 Air pollution may rise due to domestic fire, which is needed for cooking & heating it is a weak & inevitable source of air pollution. Air pollution is caused by vehicles & other combustion engine with constant increase in transportation, the problem of air pollution have become very acute course we have less vehicle then the west yet pollution level is almost the same. This is mainly because of the poor maintenance of vehicles emmi9ting out poisnous smoke & the absence of any effecting deterrent to play such vehicles on the roads. Industry is also the main source & it covers all type of unit,which consume energy in any form. It includes coal, oil, natural gas, electricity or nuclear fission. Dark smoke of industries pollutes the air very much. Thermal power plant also pollutes the air very much. This cause respiratory disease like tubrculosis.

 It is to be noted that air pollution adversely affects our health as well as ecology. It is a reality that people living in polluted areas are suffering from certain diseases i.e. lung cancer etc than the people living in fresh air.

Air pollution control
 International air pollution control is primarily organised under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, the ECE-LRTAP, and by the EU in the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) programme. Today CAFE works actively with such organisations as the WHO. At the same time, work is also underway on EC directives aimed at reducing emissions from major sources, and establishing goals for air quality. A new directive on ground-level ozone will be introduced in Sweden. Using the Swedish Environmental Code as a basis, Sweden has established standards for minimum acceptable environmental quality for sulphur- and nitrogen dioxide, lead and particles (Swedish Code of Statutes 2001:527). Environmental quality standards will also be introduced for benzene and carbon monoxide.

 There are several good "Swedish" examples of measures that have had a positive impact on air quality. Worth mentioning are the system for nitric oxide charges, environmental zones for heavy traffic, the environmental classification system for motor fuels, the introduction of district heating and the provisions of the sulphur ordinance on sulphur levels in oil that were introduced early on in Sweden.

 To reduce ground-level ozone levels in Sweden, major reductions of NOx and VOC must be made throughout Europe. As far as particles are concerned, a large proportion of the fine fraction (PM2.5) consists of long-range transported particles chemically formed in the atmosphere. These are examples of areas in which Sweden needs help in the work of reducing air pollution levels. 


 The first ever survey of the impact of noise on health, conducted by the all -Indian industries of medical science has established that noise not only impairs the physical & physiological functioning of the human organisms but also causes vomiting, pain, hypertension & a lot of other cardio-vascular complaints. Experiments with animals elsewhere have shown that certain intensities of noise causes convulsions & even death.

 Besides affective health noise is also a significant factor in economic losses. According to proofing glaring an international expert on sound, “The potential cost of noise inducted hearing loss of industry is greater than for any occupation disease.” In the United States alone noise reported causes losses running into million of dollars daily affecting larger segments of population.

 A study by postgraduate school of basic medical science, in moderns confirms such conclusion. In 50% of industries it was found that workmen exposed to higher intensities of noise in occupation capacities were often irritated, short-tempered & impatient & more likely to resort to agitation & disrupt production. This was true of unit in heavy irolustrial pockets in & around the 4 metropolitan centers. Sound is measured in units called decibels (dB) in honour of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. A higher dB indicates to a higher level of sound on this scale a whisper is equal to 20dB, normal speech ranges bet. 30dB-50dB, vehicle egine peak at 900dB while reviving up. A jet engine roars 150dB. Uninterrupted exposure to noise above 80dB is harmful. At 90dB the upper tolerance limit prescribe by International stander union the effect become more pronounced 8 hours daily exposure causes life long deafness. At 93dB, tolerance level drops to 4 hours & the 2 hours at 96dB.

※Expert Committee on Emissions from RIC Engines for Offroad Applications
 8th Meeting of Expert Committee on Emissions from RIC Engines for off road applications was conducted on August 30, 2007. The Committee discussed the development of emission standards for LPG & CNG gensets and revision of emission standards for petrol / kerosene / diesel gensets.

※National Committee on Noise Pollution Control 
 16th and 17th Meetings of National Committee on Noise Pollution Control was conducted on May 15th and September 29th, 2007. Major issues discussed were as follows:
‧ “Requirement and Procedure for Monitoring Ambient Noise Level due to Aircrafts”
‧ “System and Procedure for Compliance with Noise Limits for Diesel Generator Sets (upto 1000 KVA)”.
‧“Procedure for Carrying out Ambient Noise Monitoring and Complaint Handling”

※Compliance Testing of Fire-Crackers
 Fire-cracker samples were collected from manufacturing industries at Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu by CPCB, Zonal Office, Bangalore and provided to National Aeronautics Ltd. for testing. Fire-cracker samples were also procured from the Market in Delhi and to provided to NPL, New Delhi for testing.

※Noise Level Evaluation of Fire Crackers from Sivakasi
 Sivakasi area in Tamil Nadu is the main centre, which accounts for 80-90% of firecrackers manufactured in the country. During October 2007, samples of different varieties of firecrackers were collected from various units located in Sivakasi, to check whether they comply with the noise standard set at manufacturing stage. The collected samples were
tested with the help of M/s. National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore after following the prescribed procedures. Most of the firecrackers Noise Pollution Control Firecrackers were
collected by CPCB from various units located in Sivakasi, to check whether they comply with the noise standard set at manufacturing stage
‧ Parivesh ‧ Central Pollution Control Board manufactured by these units were exceeding the limit of 125 dB (AI) and hence, the following steps are recommended for ensuring the compliance of standards:
‧Only approved and more sensitive sound level meter be used by the industries to ensure the correctness of testing done at factory
‧Chain fire crackers more than 100 nos may not be allowed to be manufactured by industries.
‧ Fire cracker manufacturers must have consent under the Water and Air Acts, so that the SPCB can ensure the compliance of prescribed standards at the manufacturing stage itself.

※Ambient Noise Monitoring at Metropolitan Cities
 Ambient noise monitoring was carried out in Delhi at 8 residential locations along major roads and two residential locations around the world.

 Type of firecrackers and their noise level Firecrackers Noise level range, dB(AI) % of crackers meeting the prescribed standard
Fire crackers - small 104.4 – 124.6 46 %
Fire crackers - big 101.0 – 132.4 35%
Laxmi, small 116.9 – 129.2 30 %
Laxmi, big 106.0 – 137.6 0 %
Bombs, small 108.0 – 129.2 33 %
Bombs, big 108.5 – 138.8 0 %
Thousand wala 101.6 – 123.8 0 %

 Noise Standards for Fire Crackers
1. The manufacture, sale of use of fire-crackers generating noise level exceeding 125 dB (AI) or 145 dB(C) pk at 4m distance from the point of bursting are prohibited.
2. For individual fire-cracker consisting the series (joined fire-crackers), the above mentioned limit be reduced by 5 log 10 (N) dB, Where N = number of crackers joined together
Indira Gandhi International airport. A meeting was conducted with the representatives of the SPCBs from West Bengal, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, to discuss issues related to initiation of uniform and systematic ambient noise monitoring process in the Metropolitan cities.

※Monitoring Ambient Noise Level due to Aircrafts
 Procedure has been finalised in the 17th Meeting of the National Committee on Noise Pollution Control and also posted at CPCB Website for Comments.

※Compliance with Noise Limits for Generators
Procedure has been finalised in the 17th Meeting of the National Committee on Noise Pollution Control for Diesel Generator Sets (up to 1000 KVA).. A workshop was organised in collaboration with Automotive Research Association of India, to discuss the compliance
procedure and other issues related with noise pollution from DG sets.

 Further the follow up of the Court cases was undertaken.

Importance of Trees

 Trees one an important part of the Biosphere that exists on earth.  They play an essential part in the life of man.  Children play under them, and tired travelers refresh themselves in their cool shade.  They give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn.  We use trees to build houses and furniture's with.  If the paper on which your book is printed could tell its own story, it would perhaps tell you that once. it was a tree on some hill slope in a forest.  The furniture in your classroom is perhaps made out of trees that once grew in the forest of Assam or Kerala.  Trees thus supply us with many of the conveniences of life.

 Trees do much more than supply us with the conveniences we have mentioned.  They help to support man's life by supplying the atmosphere with oxygen which is essential to life.  The oxygen in the air is constantly being used up and turned into carbon dioxide when animals breathe and things burn, carbon dioxide is the food that plants “eat”.  The green leaves of trees (in fact of all green plants) absorb this carbon dioxide and with the help of sunlight break it down into carbon and oxygen.  The carbon is used 70 make starch, and the oxygen is released in to the air, so replacing the oxygen used up by animals.  But for this, animals would soon die for lack of oxygen.

 Starch and other carbon compounds made in the green leaves of trees (and of other green plants too) serve as food for animals.  The tiny green cells of plants are wonderful laboratories, which produce all the starch in the world.  But for this service done by plants all animals would.  But for this service done by plants all animal would  sooner or larger die for lack of food; they must get all their food either directly from plants or indirectly by eating animals that have fed on plants.

 On a hot day it is often cooler under a tree than inside a building.  This is because the leaves of trees breathe out a lot of water vapour, and this helps to cool the air, more or less as a mudpat cools the water in it, in this way forests help to cool the atmosphere and the rain crowds passing through it, so causing rain.  Where new forests have been planted, rainfall it known to have increased.

 Trees help to protect the surface soil of the earth and to prevent floods.  Our earth has a covering of fine soil at the surface and under the soil lie rocks of various kinds.  Nature takes millions of years to form soil 2.5 cms thick.  But some times a single heavy shower washes off that much of the valuable surface soil on an open hill slope.  This does not happen in forests and other places where there are plenty of trees.  The trees stop the tree flow of water and their roots hold the soil together, and so the soil is protected from being washed off.  Moreover, forest soil has a way if quickly absorbing water, this helps to prevent sudden floods.

 There are many kinds of trees very useful to man.  There is the rubber tree growing in Kerala, Assam and Malaya from whose sap we get the rubber which we use for numerous purposes.  There are trees such as the eucalyptus and cinchona.  Which supply us with medicines.  There is the coconut tree, every part of which is useful.  In South America there is an interesting tree called the “Cow-Tree” whose sap's used in place of milk.

 In many parts of India there are not enough trees to supply firewood, and so people are forced to burn cow-dung, which ought to be saved for agricultural purposes.  The government wants large numbers of trees to be planted all over the country in order to make good the loss.  So, some years ago, the government started an annual festival called. Vanamahatsava or the forest festival.  This is an important festival in which we should all take part.  Threes are our country's wealth; we must consider it our sacred duty to protect them and to look after them well.