Protect Environment

City Montessori School / RIYA NARAIN
 Nowadays protection of the environment is very important as the world is moving into a new era without considering any of the major problems of pollution with rapid industrialization. The best way to protect the environment is conservation. Conservation is the philosophy and policy of managing the environment to assure adequate supplies of natural resources for future as well as present generations.

 Tropical forests are being destroyed at an ever-increasing rate. Estimates of the extent and rate of loss vary, but it appears that nearly half of the world’s tropical forests already have been lost, and the remainder will all but disappear in the next two to three decades. The loss is incalculable. These forests provide habitat for an estimated half of the world’s plant and animal species, provide water and fuel for much of the world’s population, and influence regional and  clean and healthy environment is part and parcel of the wealth and quality of life that we desire for ourselves now and for our children in the future. People demand that the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the food they eat is free of pollution and contaminants; they want to live undisturbed by noise, and they want to enjoy the beauty of the countryside, unspoiled coastlines and mountain areas. They also want a world that is not threatened by climate change. 
 Healthy and balanced natural systems are essential for supporting life on this planet. Society relies on nature to provide us with the resources for our survival: air, water, food, fibers, medicines, and building materials. Children need to grow up aware of the nature around them. As human beings we have a responsibility to preserve the actual value of nature both for ourselves and for future generations.

 There seemed to be too many coincidences that the hurricane caused all of these problems. Many studies show that air pollution lessens when the society becomes wealthy enough to afford to be concerned. If an officer sees you throw a cigarette or throw trash out your car, they can stop you and give you a ticket. Horrible mudslides wiped out entire villages. Chris Bright says that yes, mankind is dangerously harming the environment, and drastic measures must be made. I side with Bright in saying that we are dangerously harming the environment. In the aftermath, tens of thousands of people died of malaria, cholera, and dengue fever. Another concern was that the loss of 90% of forest meant a 50% loss of species, but this also seemed exaggerated. A lot of the damage was caused by not having enough forest and vegetation that would have prevented mass mudslides. He thought that the population was about five times too large, and we were using our resources to not only overpopulate but to also over use our environment. Still a lot can be done to protect our environment, for we only have one Earth, it won't last forever. Another good example of our attempts would be the new littering laws. The trouble with this theory is the evidence does not back this up. Bjorn Lomborg says that humans think they are destroying the earth and we may end up killing ourselves in the process. Man is starting to realize his mistakes, but as I said, it might be too little too late.

 There are some household items that are dangerous if they are just thrown away with the regular garbage these items can damage the environment and injure plant and animal life some of these may include moth balls, spot removers, aerosol cans, fluorescent light tubes and shoe polish. Your local waste management agency has information on how to properly dispose of these items. 

 A compost bin may be set up in your yard. Compost bins return plant and some food materials to the soil through decomposition so it can be used as natural soil additive, called compost. Compost improves soil texture, increases the ability of soil to absorb oxygen and water. Compost also suppresses weed growth and reduces the need to add chemicals and pesticides to plants, which may be harmful to the environment. 

 Keeping recycle bens in the kitchen may help to stop people from accidentally throwing into the trash an item that could have been recycled. Some recyclable items include glass, paper, and most types of mettle. You want to be sure that glass, paper and mettle are all separated into different bins. Once these bins are full of recyclable materials they can be given to your local recycle center. 

 Solar panels are a series of mirrors that transform sunlight into solar energy. Solar energy can help heat water and power home appliances. Solar energy is a great source of clean, non-polluting energy. 

 The home is not the only place where people can pitch in and help the environment. School playgrounds can use recyclable materials for play equipment and to make the play ground safe for the children. Old rubber tires can be made into a recreation area where kids can crawl in and out. Sports coaches may also use old tires, by having the kids run through them, to test the kid’s stamina and agility.

 The school and public libraries are great examples of the reuse of materials. Books can be barrowed, read and returned instead of everyone who wants to read a certain book going and purchasing a copy. The reuse of these books saves thousands of trees that would be used to make copies of books. The library also offers computers that can be used for research, by using the Internet, by taping the local or global newspaper web sites and other research centers around the world. Receiving information through the Internet saves paper and energy consumption is reduced. 

 By taking school buses or car pools to school instead of individual vehicles, students can not only save fuel but also reduce both traffic and air pollution. People may also try to invest in electronic vehicles, which do not pollute. People should make sure to keep maintenance up on their vehicles to prevent unnecessary toxins from entering the environment. 

 The idea of a landfill is a great one, but it won’t work if people continue to believe it is a place for all trash. A landfill is a big divot dug out of the earth for garbage disposal. 

 We need to make sure we don’t put chemicals or non-biodegradable substances into these landfills because they are harmful to plants and animals; they may also contaminate our drinking water.

 There is still some time to improve our self by changing some of our Habits & protecting our mother earth.