Sustainable lifestyle and reduced footprint

time for change!

Figure3/Team leader, LEED® AP/Canada / Steve Tsai

 It takes individual and collective commitments to bring forth change, whether a simple idea or a revolution. Since beginning of human history, ideas have always been shaped and influenced by time. Whether a simple tip to improve daily lives or a groundbreaking revelation, what is considered “ahead of time” may become an adopted norm through time. Being a people that needs encouragement and social affirmation, it will be important for us to keep our beliefs and vision, whether widely accepted or not. Perhaps with the widespread media success and interest of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, accelerated by various natural disasters, we are living in a crucial time. It’s a time to call for action, a time to demonstrate an individual choice, and a time to educate and communicate to all the generations if we want to preserve and share this beautiful place we call earth. There are numerous tips on greener living and sustainable practices. Amid so much green washing and commercial agenda behind environmental statements, it is confusing at times and easy for us to lose heart. There is also opinion for people’s action being unimportant compared to the amount of damage industrial / commercial corporations are contributing. Nevertheless, I believe we can make a difference. There are ideas for us to live responsibly, baby steps they may be but if we are willing to keep the vision and walk them out, I believe we can make a change. Become a voice, a generation, and hope, speak your ideals though they may be “ahead of time”, for this is the only way we can strive to sustain and co-exist harmoniously on earth.

 As there are numerous discussions and ideas for sustainable living, it will be impossible to cover every aspect. Below are some practical ones that I’ve come across and I would like to share them here. The concept is simple: to reduce, reuse and recycle, consume responsibly, and lighten our footprint on earth while we are here. I hope they will help suggest and spur more ideas for your personal journey in sustainable living.

Plastics – discourage manufacturing, reduce unnecessary use and consume products with less packaging.
‧Promote adaptation of reusable bags and containers for takeout food and beverages.
‧Use smaller containers and buy in bulk instead of individually packed products.
‧Support restaurants with paper containers and reusable or biodegradable utensils.
‧Reduce the amount of waste in disposable hygiene products such as tooth brush and razors.
‧Support manufacturers with smart packaging and transportation methods.
‧Reduce the use of CDs and DVDs for storage; promote online file transfer and alternate media for storage.
‧Choose children’s toys wisely and reduce unnecessary purchases…make your own toys.

Chemical consumption – reduce the harm of chemicals to our bodies and the environment
‧Use natural products that have no chemical impact to our body, air and water resources.
‧Reduce the use of tobacco, abandon the need for smoking.
‧Reduce pharmaceutical reliance and adapt natural health remedies.
‧Buy local and in-season produce to reduce preservatives and transportation impacts.
‧Choose products with less toxic contents and reduce unnecessary purchases, celebrate used products.
‧Consider clothing and fashion related accessories for their chemical and petroleum impact.
‧Proper disposal of toxic contents through the city’s waste management procedures.

Water, energy and resource conservation – reduce use and protect resources
‧Reduce amount of meat in diet and reduce food portions to minimize petroleum consumption.
‧Adopt energy efficient fixtures and appliances.
‧Reschedule use of water and energy to avoid peak-hour consumption.
‧Use automatic shut-off on power adaptors to reduce consumption of phantom load.
‧Improve the use of daylight and natural resources for tasks, minimize energy use.
‧Harvest natural energy and ventilation in dwellings, reconsider thermostat settings.
‧Consider the amount of recycled contents in products for daily and permanent use.
‧Increase the lifecycle of electronic goods, change less frequent and donate for reuse.
‧Reduce the use of paper and adopt digital communication and information storage at work.
‧Change your driving habits, vehicle load and tire pressure to reduce petroleum use and smog.
‧Consider public transportation, walking or cycling for commutes and travelling.