Cambrian Home Care, Caregiver, ROC / 蔡春萱

I was born in Myanmar.  I lived there for 28 years, and then I moved to Taiwan.  In 2008, I decided to immigrate to US. Since then, I have lived in US for almost 3 years.  People might wonder how come I move to three countries.  

The reason why I cannot live in one country permanently is I feel that I have no confidence for the country I live and also the environment.  The most important reason is that they also lack of human rights. I really love my country, Myanmar, but my brothers and I couldn’t find a job after we graduated from universities.  In my own country, if you want to have a job, you need some kind of connection.  It is hard for college graduates to find a decent job.  At that time, my father’s salary was not enough to support our family so we decided to move to Taiwan.

When we arrived in Taiwan, we were lucky to find a job.  However, we were difficult to get used to the life there because of the different culture, different language, and different lifestyle.  Therefore, my parents and brother decided to moved to the United States.  After I lived in Taiwan for five years, I got married with a Taiwanese (my husband), and in the following three years, I had two daughters.  I’m so lucky that I have a good husband.  He respects me a lot and loves my family.  However, his salary is just enough to support the family, but it is hard to find a better job opportunity in Taiwan unless you have strong background and connection.  I was concerned about my daughters’ future so I decided to move to US for a better opportunity. 

In 2008, we moved to US for a better life. However, when we arrived to the United States, my friends in US told me to move back to Taiwan because everything is so expensive here, and it is very hard to survive.  I asked myself what happened to this world.  I thought America is a dream country.  Should I move to another country? What can I do? 

One day, I found my answer.  The only way I can change my situation is to change my attitude first and learn how to appreciate my life.  After I changed my attitude, I was born again and I feel happy. I learn not to compare and have the courage to face my challenge every day.  As long as I believe myself I can change my little world, I believe the whole world will change at the same time.