Great Future

The Sunshine Elementary School, Student, R.O.C / Yuwei Lo

We depend on the world. We can plant more flowers and trees to let the world become a green world. We have to use less electricity. Don’t ride a motorcycle or drive a car. Ride a bicycle and let the world be more green. Don’t waste water and electricity. Don’t kill too many animals. Some of them are almost extinct. No more war. We can try to talk instead of fighting. Why can’t we have a peace deal? No war, just peace.

And I wish only one wish. I wish that in the world there are no fake people and false people. I wish that technology is better and there is progress every day. My mom says in the future it will be the machine age. My mom said it will be great but I think it will not really be a great future. I just wish it has the future’s technology and the conditions we have now. I don’t want to have a machine age. I don’t like it. I like the conditions we have now.