親愛的朋友: 歡迎你們來參與這場重要的聯合國人權日活動。12月10日是聯合國為紀念1948年世界人權宣言公告的日子。1948年世界人權宣言的主要目標是為了建立一個國際社會的架構,並藉由彼此達成協議的聯合公約來進行運作。現今的世界,來自不同文化及社群的人彼此接觸的頻率不斷增加,因此必須要有一些能彼此認同的法規,以及互相之間的尊重。聯合國人權日就是要提醒我們,世界上每個人都應擁有尊嚴、受尊重並享有慈愛。
Dear Friends, I am pleased to welcome you to participate in this important gathering to mark Human Rights Day. 10 December is the anniversary of the proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The principal aim of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights was to create a framework for a world society that was in need of universal codes based on mutual consent in order to function. In a world where people from many different cultures and societies come together in increasing frequency, there must be some mutually recognized codes of conduct and mutual respect. The Day serves as a reminder that each individual is to be seen in his dignity and treated with respect and compassion.
As Citizens of the World, we are encouraged by the advances in the rule of law, of equality between women and men, by efforts of solidarity to overcome poverty and hunger. We all live in the same world society, and we can learn to help each other. There is a growing recognition of the need to work at the local, the national and at the world level to meet new challenges and to increase protection for the vulnerable. This year 10 December comes toward the end of the United Nations Conference in Paris which is looking at ways in which the world society can deal with climate change.
This COP 21 is a powerful example of the need for all sectors of society, governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations and religious groups need to work together for the benefit of all. As world citizens, we know that humanity is advancing toward more farsighted and responsible attitudes. However, we also know that there is yet much to do to develop a culture of peace based on respect for life and non-violence. Your energy and convictions are necessary for the development of this just world society.
Thank you all.
Dr. Rene Wadlow