


Never before have the world's people been so called upon to form a global humanity. As Citizens of the World, we know that there are large transformations under way in the world − a world without frontiers. In such exceptional periods as today, exceptional creativity must be called up to create the attitudes, the institutions and the policies needed to meet these new situations. By celebrating World Citizen Day, you act to achieve a world that is cooperative, thoughtful about the future, and free from war.

世界公民從未像現在這樣地受到號召而形成一個全人類的共同體 。身為世界公民,我們知道世界正處於一個無國界的巨大變革之中。在今日這樣特殊的時刻裡,需要有特別的創意,來產生好的觀點、體制及政策,以符合現今的需求。在慶祝世界公民日的今天,你們採取了行動,以期達成長遠思考能夠互助合作、免於戰爭的世界。


