Friendly Environment and Happiness near You

YC Consultants, Ltd., Planning Supervisor, Taiwan / 顏素絹

July 8 ,1996, my fraternity twins were born, when I looked at them sleeping in my arms, suddenly I realized I am the happiness woman in the world with the beautiful babies and a beloved husband. Later on, as time went by, they grew up little by little, eventhough they are smaller than other kids, they are healthy and happy.

The things I can do for them are taking good care of them, being with them, teaching them the right value of the life and hopefully they are able to learn things themselves and be strong to face the future obstacles. These are the things I can do.

About the things I can’t do and sometimes I feel vulnerable are that can we give a healthy , clean, livable earth to our kids? Are they able to be survived in the criticle conditions environment we leave for them in the near future? The extreme weather today was made by us from tens years ago, so what if we don’t do anything about it, what the earth is going to be? Can my twins be survived in this bad conditions? Can I tell them that the situation is bad and I have no resposibility?

I ….doudout dout bt it. …(not a chance)
Speechless…. Will be the answer..

To the end, we all leave the world, but we don’t want to be the sin to our kids, if so, what are we waiting for?.. Do the right things to protect our environment and ask the people near you to do the right things.