Iceland Volcanic Activity

家榮公司 工程師 / 彭士燁

These few weeks, we’ve witnessed what happened in Iceland and how this volcanic incident affects the world around us.

From normal points of view, we may look at this as a natural disaster, but to me, I look at it from a different perspective. Combined with recent earthquake activities around the world and where I live in Taiwan, I think mother earth is trying to tell us that she have enough of our mistreatments and disrespect for the natural world.

As population grows all around the world, natural resources are depleting rapidly. As a result, land became scarce, cities expand even bigger in order to meet the demand of the growing population. When cities expand, so does the pollution. When pollution rises, global warming became one of our main problems. We can see this from the fast melting of the polar ice cap. When polar ice melts, flood can be seen all over the world.

The incident of the volcano eruption in Iceland may seem like a single incident, but it maybe the result of a chain reaction to what human have done at the moment when they started disrespecting the Mother Nature.

If people can begin to respect the world around us and give Mother Nature time to heal itself, I think generations after us can continue and enjoy the world which we have enjoyed for such a long time.