A New System for Protecting Human Rights

Atif Ali Salih, Journaliste, Radio France International, Sudan

The laws for the protection of human rights are very weak, especially in Africa. The United Nations made a Declaration of Human Rights, but because of policy of large countries, they may not impact as expected. The opinion of the United States always comes before the rights of man.

Take the example of Darfur in Sudan. Before, the U.S. said that was the case in Darfur genocide, but now they say no, because they agreed with the Sudanese government, the oil contract to boot. The United States often point the finger of the situation of human rights in some countries, but basically this is their way to seek benefits in return, not because they pay serious attention to human rights. Because of political and economic benefits related to each other, the rights of man can not defend themselves. Whether the United Nations or the two major humanitarian organizations, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, neither one nor the other is acting voluntarily and defend human rights, for their financial support places and activities depend on big countries like the United States. When the U.S. wanted to send its troops to Iraq, the UN was originally against but eventually agreed. Why? Because the United States, its biggest financial partners have been bent: do not pay the wages, do not give rooms to the UN in New York. What the UN could do?

In my opinion, it is necessary to change current practice. For example, each country sends one or two representatives in the major humanitarian organizations, and these representatives prepare a monthly report. Currently, humanitarian organizations abroad, as the French Doctors Without Borders in Sudan, can not have expressions against the local government.

In addition, there are also ethical problems of humanitarian volunteers purchased. For example, when everyone says that there is genocide in Sudan, some organizations say the opposite, that all is well because they accept money for their silence on this subject .

Finally, I think the UN should not remain in New York. It is necessary to change countries every three years in rotation. Thus, disruption Policy major countries will be minimized.