Rick Ulfik, Founder and Board Chair, We, the World, USA /


The Obama Presidency in the USA, the global economic crisis, the Middle East and African conflicts, Polar Ice Cap melting and other Climate Change indicators accelerating, Species and Biodiversity loss happening 1000 times the normal rate, the acceleration of poverty and decline in available clean fresh water; also the increase in global population, the speed of changes in technology including social networking with Facebook, Twitter, and on and on...

Some people think all these examples of turbulent change are an indication that we're moving into a new Era. Social researcher and We, The World Advisory Board Member Paul Ray says we're not only witnessing a Change of Eras - we are entering the Era of Change!

Global demand for water is expected to double within 20 years. That alone will bring on many changes we can't even imagine now.

The question is, can we harness the possibilities for great change and guide them, Akido style, towards sustainability and peace, rather than towards collapse.

People are looking for ways to come together locally and globally that can create real change, because they can sense the danger we're in as a civilization. They know that our elected officials, our corporate CEOs, our mainstream media and others in power are not sufficiently addressing climate change, the mass extinction of species (as many as 70-100 per day), escalating militarism and violence, the expanding epidemic of poverty, and the destruction of indigenous peoples worldwide (some of whom are the last remaining examples of cultures that have lived in sustainable harmony with nature for many millennia).

SURVEY (you may send your responses to

1) Given the array of current crises -
• Climate Change
• Mass Extinction of Species
• Oil Depletion
• Economic Instability
• Poverty, Global Food or Water Shortages
• Militarism, Regional Conflicts and War
• Threat of Nuclear Weapons
• Pandemic Disease like SARS or Mad Cow Disease
• Other crises

- do you think that if we don't make a major global shift toward sustainability in the next 5 years, that there will be some kind of global catastrophe or collapse within the next 20-30 years? - even in the wealthiest countries?

2) Do you think that things are bad enough NOW that a major shift is needed - whether there will be a catastrophe in the wealthiest countries or not?

3) Do you think that this shift toward peace and sustainability will come about primarily through Politicians, Corporate CEOs and others who control the most resources and power?

4) Last question: Are you willing to STAND UP and join the growing grassroots global movement that is working to make the shift for peace, environmental stewardship, social justice and transformation?

If you answered YES to #4, thank you. Now let's get to work!


As you may have heard, scientists around the world have concluded that unless extraordinary measures are taken now, Global Climate Change and the Mass Extinction of Species (as many as 70-100 per day) will become irreversible with devastating consequences even in the wealthiest countries.

But escalating militarism and violence are draining massive amounts of funds, resources and the human spirit needed to address these, POVERTY and the other crises that affect everyone on the planet.


15 Children die every minute of hunger and preventable disease
In the same minute, the world spends $2 million on weapons and war

As I see it, even if somehow the huge obstacles disappear to allow the Kyoto/Copenhagen Accords, the U.N. Millennium Development Goals and other major initiatives to accomplish their objectives, the underlying reasons for this rush towards global collapse will still be there.

Beyond emergency measures to avert the climate, extinction and other urgent crises, what's needed is a major cultural shift (including a shift in consciousness), especially in the wealthiest countries. This is a shift away from power over to power with, from "I" to "WE". We, The World Advisory Board member Riane Eisler calls this Domination Culture (and it's impending collapse), moving toward Partnership Culture.

"We so urgently need people to change the conversation... to address underlying issues, to show that the real struggle here is between domination and partnership systems, and that this is basic to the kind of world our children will inherit." - Riane Eisler

I will state up front that I am not making a judgment that any particular domination or partnership action is "right" or "wrong", just that, in my opinion, taken as a whole, domination versus partnership actions and attitudes will have very different results.

I believe that continuing Dominator Culture ("I" consciousness) will lead us towards global collapse and shifting toward Partnership Culture ("WE" consciousness) will make it possible for us (and much of life) to not only survive but for humans to achieve a new level of wisdom characterized by peace and harmony with ourselves and with the rest of nature.


The dominator model has winners and losers and is characterized by:

• tremendous social and economic inequality,
• corporate globalization, often with cutthroat competition, that seeks to expand and dominate markets everywhere on earth
• massive damage to our eco-systems and other Commons,
• exploitation and commodification of all forms of life, the environment, and most aspects of society
• patriarchy,
• extreme fundamentalist religious groups
• Norms in Media, Culture and Communication that emphasize Power Over rather than Power With
• suppression of many people's meaning needs,
• excessive consumerism,
• looking out for number one no matter what the consequences to others,
• extensive prison, military and weapons proliferation,
• the destruction of Indigenous Peoples culture and lands,
• "I" Consciousness dominates, perpetuated by economic, political and social systems that give preference to special interests at the expense of the common good


The partnership model has a core of concern for the common good and is characterized by:

• mutually beneficial social, economic and environmental practices,
• the public sphere in balance with the private sphere,
• localization first, emphasizing regional self-sufficiency and sustainability, in balance with the global economy,
• women fully equal in all aspects of society,
• interfaith movements creating bridges of understanding between religious and spiritual traditions
• norms in Media, Culture and Communication that emphasize Power With rather than Power Over
• fair trade not free trade,
• nonviolence - from personal interactions to international relations,
• fully democratic governance locally, nationally and internationally,
• Admiration and appreciation of Indigenous Peoples culture and wisdom
• and societies that strive to produce holistically healthy individuals [in mind, body and spirit] whose needs for meaning and purpose are fulfilled.
• "WE" Consciousness in balance with "I" Consciousness with economic, political and social systems that consider special interests without harming the common good


Transformation And Social Change Activism
How getting actively involved in creating a better world
can remove the void in our lives
that comes from suppressing our instinct for service.

I have a theory. Scientists tell us that a million or more years ago, human survival and evolution depended on our early ancestor groups practicing this value: The survival of the group depended on the well being of each individual.

Imagine if our modern societies and our world ran on that principle!

I believe the suppression of that instinct creates a void in our lives from childhood on.

For example, in Western industrialized societies, high levels of alienation, disconnection, lack of purpose and emptiness of spirit have led many people to deal with the underlying void in their lives in ways that can be harmful to themselves and others. They —

• Avoid the void through addictions and escapes such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, TV, entertainment, sports, overeating, Internet browsing, shopping, etc.
• Try to fill the void: go for the "American Dream" - have a prestigious career, make as much money as possible, buy more and more stuff, get a large house + tract of land + 3 cars + beautiful spouse.
• Protect themselves and increase their power: in corporate boardrooms or in politics; by manipulating others at work or in relationships; by getting away with things; or by using violence and hatred in gangs or other anti-social "communities".
• Become apathetic, believing people can't make a difference in the political power structure so why vote or get involved. Nearly half of all eligible voters in the USA (as many as one hundred million people) typically do not vote - a profound problem that affects not only U.S. citizens but the entire world.
• Believe cynicism is good, don't get too close to people, look out for #1 (themselves), the free market and Darwinian economics are normal and inevitable.

By getting involved in creating a peaceful, sustainable world, people can find new Meaning and Purpose in their lives, healing the void. We, The World's WE Campaign provides a perfect opportunity to connect with local and global organizations and movements for change such as FOWPAL - the Federation of World Peace and Love!

By creating a highly visible worldwide movement, whose values and vision entirely reflect collective caring and concern, WE will provide a critical indication that humanity is moving towards having a world based on caring, ethics, and ecological sanity. That perception of what kind of world we live in is crucial because it affects the decisions people make on a day-to-day basis. Many people currently reason as follows:

"It's a 'dog-eat-dog world' out there. I better look after myself and my family. I can't afford to worry about anybody else, never mind animals in some endangered habitat elsewhere in the world. Therefore, I'm mostly going to use quality, price and convenience to decide which brands of products I buy, even though some of them support sweatshop labor and environmental destruction. And I'll probably vote for the candidate that puts more money in my pocket by cutting taxes, reducing federal government spending on social and environmental programs, while supporting military defense of American oil and other American economic interests around the world."

go to to participate in a movement to link all movements for the common good.

WE combines the values of conscious activism and the tactical strategy of local-to-global organizing that We, The World has been practicing for many years with 11 Days of Global Unity (which annually has over 700 associated events in more than 60 countries) and with other programs.


• will promote a Shift in Consciousness from "I" to "WE"
• will carry out a comprehensive ongoing Awareness and Action Campaign with unprecedented cooperation between change agents - from individuals to global movements

We have a preliminary video (under 2 minutes) that features Desmond Tutu and Jane Goodall introducing the WE campaign. To see it go to: Other endorsers of WE include Deepak Chopra, Robert Thurman, Hazel Henderson, Jonathan Granoff (Global Security Institute), Nancy Roof (Kosmos Magazine), Deborah Moldow (World Peace Prayer Society) and organizations such as Citizens Network for Sustainable Development, Ethical Markets Media, the Earth Day Network, Four Years Go. Campaign and many others.

WE Campaign Themes include

• Water;
• Unity & Peace;
• Eco-systems & Biodiversity;
• Green Economy;
• Human Needs, Social Justice & Equality
• Transformation & Spirit;
• Media, Culture and the Arts

Thank you for what you are doing to create a Better World. We look forward to promoting your good work through the WE Campaign!