Love of the World A Declaration of Peace

The year 2000 is a testimony to human civilization and serves as a milestone in creating a better world. By means of "Love of the World, A Declaration of Peace," we express the aspirations of all humanity. Praying for the well-being of all people in a new century, we wish to sound the bell of peace to awaken mankind's good intentions through which we will strive for a glorious future together.

It is believed that only a sincere heart can touch the depths of one's soul. Therefore, we truly hope that those of all ages, different beliefs and races, both rich and poor have a genuine, cheerful and peace-loving heart. As a result, they will dhow respect and love for their families, others, their countries and the world through their actions. And we are looking forward to returning to a harmonious world in which there is no suffering, no fear, no war and no pain.

We antipicate that the spirit of love and peace will spread across the world, turning evil into good and stopping war. Creating a better tomorrow with wisdom will prevent human tragedies from happening again and will bring progress and prosperity to all countries. If all people respect and learn from one another open-mindedly, conflicts will be transformed into long-lasting peace. Our love will keep the water clean and the envitronment beautiful forever. This way, our offspring will enjoy a pleasant, harmonious and affluent world.


Given by Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men. Dr. Hong Tao Tze
in Taipei, Taiwan on September 25, 1999
