
台中一中學生 卓均彥

Protecting the Earth Is the Urgent Mission

The earth is said to have been a beauty before. In the long history of this planet, the nature found its own way to get along with the "residents" on it. They cooperate, and live on the other. Animals depend on the mother land to gain what they need; on the other hand, the environment also flourishes by the creatures on it. Even though we human beings live in harmony with the nature at first, generally, the whole ecology system seems to be perfect. However, in 18 century, there is a breakthrough in our "technology." This breakthrough allows people to lead a convenient life. But on the contrary, this is also the beginning of the process that we use to harm our planet, earth. With the population increasing, it is normal that we need more resource to sustain our "convenient" lives. Thus, more trees are cut down and more CO2 is released into the air. The earth is badly injured, it seems that we should take urgent actions to stop the tragedy from happening before it is too late, shouldn't we?

Among all the problems we have brought to this planet, Global Warming is a serious "disaster" that people have to face. With the temperature getting higher and higher, many species come to extinction. Many of them played a big role in the ecology system before, so it will get worse if the extinction keeps on.

Maybe somebody will ask what we should do to prevent the environment from being hurt again. In fact, the answer is simple. For example, if we want to stop the increase of the temperature, the best way is that all of us adjust our lifestyle. Leading the life without any assistance of modern technology will be an awesome choice. But even a little child knows that it is a "fairy tale." Thus, a new and feasible way must be found to replace the incredible idea. After thinking thoroughly, there are still some methods for us to take in the daily life.

First, we can cut down on the amount of meat we consume every day. It takes much more energy to feed cattle than to grow vegetables. Besides, since these animals will release more gas that is responsible for the Global Warming into the air. Keeping them as food actually does great harm to the nature. By the way, the more vegetables we eat, the healthier we might be. There are so many benefits, why don't we just go and carry it out by ourselves?

Second, we should limit the time we use air-conditioners. Although being in an air-conditioned room on hot summer days is great, this will also result in several problems in our lives. In the big cities, the gas released by the air-conditioners and other kinds of machines caused the Warming to accelerate. Besides this, the machines in factories have brought much damage. The emission of toxic substance is increasing, and this is certainly not a good thing. However by reducing the time we use them, we can make the situation under our control. Although it can't be eliminated in just one night, it can still gradually improve the health of the nature.

Finally, cutting down on the amount of trash we produce every day is also an effective way that we can do in daily lives. If you doubt that if this method really works, just go and see the trash which is produced by you and your classmates, it is piled up as a small mountain. It's too terrible to imagine how many resources we have consumed. Therefore, remember to do your best to avoid unnecessary trash no matter what you are doing. Once you do so, you have reached out a friendly hand to the earth, and undoubtedly it will be the best thing you have ever done.

We have just one earth! Like the man who is dead won't come back to life again, the earth will come to its end soon if we keep ruining it. Therefore, protecting it is the urgent mission we have to take now.