我們必須保護地球避免惡化We Have to Protect the Earth from Deteriorating

國立台中一中 邵宇倫

With developments and improvements of culture, human being can get much higher possibility to live better lives in high qualities. For example, humans in ancient times had to use stones and sticks to make fire for illuminations, but now we just need to turn on a switch simply. In addition, the progression of the transportation is an important key to connecting with nations. Because of it, people can go to other countries fast and easily. One of the advantages of it is to help to lower the cost of merchandise and accelerate the communications between countries, and it is what we call “globalization”. Globalization, although having benefit to us, such as that we can easily get in touch of foreign culture, is not always as good as how we think it is. As globalization keeps going on, the style of living around the world tends to become the same. To live in high quality, especially like the style of developed countries, developing countries start to concentrate on their development on industry. So some tropical countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brazil deforest the tropical rainforest which is equal to the lung of the earth. The worse thing is that humans produce a large amount of carbon dioxide. The excessive emission that the tress can’t afford to return into oxygen is left in the air and it keeps absorbing the heat from the sun, so that the temperature gets higher and higher. And that is the so-called “Greenhouse Effect”. It is needles to say, the green house effect has made a serious impact on our earth. It makes the ice in the North Pole and South Pole start to melt, and makes the earth become hotter and hotter. On account of it, some diseases in tropic extend to the temperate zone. The most serious thing is that the low place will be flooded, and millions of people will not have home any more. Actually, it is happening, and these people become “environment refugees”. To stop the catastrophe form happening, many countries have gone about taking measures. The Netherland government, for instance, builds the floating house which can float on the water; they even make the public place such as airport float. Moreover, nations make agreements to control the emission of greenhouse gas and make efforts to find replacement to take the place of burning oil to get energy. In the recent years, scientists have done the research to turn corn into alcohol and use it as a new energy. And what can we do? First, I think that we should save energy. For instance, we can turn off the light if we don’t use it and we also can take the mass transportation, such as bus or train, instead of driving our own cars. Secondly, we have to eat vegetable and meat which are grown in our country, instead of having those imported from other countries, because it can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide which the transportation produces. We all have the only one mother earth, so we have to protect it from being weakened and deteriorating. It is for us and for our next gener