留下美麗的地球和環境給我們的後代子孫Leave a Beautiful Earth and Environment to Our Descendants.

國立台中一中 朱振嘉

Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have used the sources of energy such as oil and gas heavily. But meanwhile, the excessive use of fossil fuels has caused the greenhouse gas in the air increase and it also accelerates global warming. The climate of the world changes a lot and created a lot of natural disasters. As a result, environmental protection has become an important subject of debate to people around the world. We should do our best to save the sources and decrease the emissions of carbon. I think in our daily lives, there are a lot of was to conserve energy and maybe we can reduce global warming. For example, we can replace the traditional light bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs. Also, we should form the habit of turning off lights and plug outlet of electrical appliances when we are not using them. In summer, we should not set the temperature of air conditioner too low so as to save electricity. We can decrease the use which is unnecessary though it is very hot in the summer day. Taking public transportation instead of driving private cars is also a good way to decrease the emission of carbon. When we are not going to the far place, we should walk or ride the bicycle so that we can reduce the air pollution which is discharged from cars and motorcycles. We can also drink the water which is brought from home to replace bottled water so that we can reduce our carbon footprint. For a long time, people have depended on fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum increasingly. With the using of fossil fuels, we can get large amounts of energy easily and it makes our life become more and more convenient. However, the production of fossil fuels will become fewer and fewer even one day it will become exhausted. In addition, fossil fuel is considered a resource which can not be replaced in the modern societies. Most important of all, the burning of fossil fuels leads to the release of pollution into the atmosphere. That is to say, we should find new energy sources immediately. Many scientists are developing alternative energy sources and look for the new ways to replace fossil fuels like solar, wind energy which will not be exhausted. Of all of the renewable resources, solar energy is the most easily available sources. Besides, it will not make any pollution and it can help to lessen the greenhouse effect. In order to use the solar energy more efficiently, many researches and development have carried out in a lot of developed countries, but most of these works remain mainly academic. I think in the next few years, it is expected that most of the people around the world will use solar energy and the using of fossil fuels will become less and less, even don't use. Energy conservation and environment protection can be achieved as long as we work together. We should not continue damaging the Earth but leave a beautiful Earth and environment to our descendants.