
尤美女律師事務所Lawer Dagmar Yu

Violence for violence is an inborn nature of human beings. By instinct, one will be rebellious when a thing turns into its opposite if pushed to far, i.e., after one has worked under high pressure or long faced violence. The rebellion instinct is a natural tendency that breeds violence for violence. The question is that two wrongs don't make a right. Therefore, a violence for violence will more often than not result in getting oneself crippled from fighting against hopeless odds, encountering stronger oppression, or facing more cruel violent treatment, so much so that not only one's goals will not be achieved, but also one will become more seriously injured. This can be understood from reviewing the following major human flesh bomb cases.

When facing extreme violence and still forced to oppress the violence, obtaining freedom with non-violence will require a lofty sentiment based on love, mercy, care and mission. Usually one can see mothers who manifest their courage to defend their home against encroachers in their attempt to protect their children. Particularly, these mothers are well aware that unarmed as they are, they stand the chance of dying an extremely tragic death if they resort to violence in fighting against violence, or of being unable to protect their children. But they well understand that the best choice they have is to overcome the steel with the soft like peace, compassion, acceptance and love in order to touch the heart of many more people, and to instigate one after another who feels inspired to rise up and to muster force of a defenseless justice. The year 1986 witnessed more than one million of women who took it to the street to revolt against the dictatorship of Marcos, hence toppling the Marcos regime later on. Another case in point was the event that occurred during the Argentina dictatorship in 1977 when all mothers took it to the street with the pictures of their lost sons, and assembled at the May Square to demand the government to "Return Our Sons." Moreover, in 1989 thousands of students were in a sit-in demonstration at the Tianmen Square in Beijing, and one of them alone by himself stood up to the whole line of tanks, demonstrating such huge courage that riveted the attention of people the world over and touched their heart, and thus drumming up wider feedback and support. All these events showcase the successful fulfillment of purposes through exertion of external pressure on the governments in countries wherein the events occurred.

Violence has been omnipresent, including, without limitations, arm conflicts between or among countries, quarrel, bickering, and bodily conflicts between or among domestic political parties in countries, bullies by the strong against the weak in society, domestic violence, sexual damage and harassment from males against females, traffic in women, forceful sex trade, traditional maltreatment of females like burning brides without having dowries, raping one's spouses, forceful removal of women's clitoris, or restricting women's right to move from place to place. Places where those violent acts occur are not limited to homes, campuses, workplaces, and public areas. Under the resolution made by the United Nations in accordance with the Manifesto for the Extermination of Violent Acts against Women in 1993, quelling of such violence requires each and every member country to ratify the Convention for the Extermination of Discrimination in Any and All Forms Against Women (CEDAW) soonest possible, to take any and all measures to adopt laws that punish whoever commit violence, investigate violence, and set aside enough resources out of the budget to protect women free from violence against women, and, most important of all, to proceed with the protection through education.

In short, each and every member country shall proceed to change males' and females' social and cultural modes of behavior by nullifying the view that men have a higher social status than women, or vice versa, and to erase all kinds of stereotyped prejudices, mores as well as any and all kinds of other customs about men's and women's roles. And the ultimate value to be yielded out of such change shall be to foster the concept of "all things on earth growing at the same time and sharing an equal involvement right." Only such concept has been conceived in each and every human being can we engender respect, tolerance, mercy and equality towards the others. And only under such circumstances can we interact and communicate with the others in a peaceful way. And only with mercy, love and care can we engender respect for and protect the Heaven and the Earth, cherish our wellbeing, love things on earth, grow along with the Nature at the same time, co-exist with other ethnic groups, and prosper with all other human beings.

However, no concept of 'all things on earth growing at the same time and sharing equal participation right' can be engendered in us until and unless since our childhood we grew under circumstances in which we have been respected, could build up trust, dignity and independence in ourselves. Only we have our own dignity, self-confidence and independence can we know how to protect ourselves from being encroached and prevent ourselves from being treated with violence, and only under such circumstances can we avert risks of all types of violence and conflict through peaceful communication.

  以暴制暴是人的天性,當人在高壓統治或長期暴力之下,物極必反,最後會起來反抗,其本能反抗即是以暴制暴,但「Two Wrongs don't make a right」,因此以暴制暴的結果,往往寡不敵眾,或遭受更強大的鎮壓,或更殘酷的暴力對待,以致目的未達而受傷更重,此由幾個重大人肉炸彈事件,即可知之。

  人在極度受暴,又要壓抑,以非暴力方式來爭取自由,須極高度的情操,而該高度情操建立在「愛」、「慈悲」、「關懷」、「使命」上,通常我們會看到媽媽們為了保護子女、捍衛家園,那份大無畏的精神,而媽媽也深知「手無寸鐵」的她們,若以暴力抵抗,只有死得更慘,反而不能保護子女,只能以柔克剛,以「和平」、「寬恕」、「包容」、「愛」來呼籲,來感動更多的人,讓一個一個受感動的個體挺身而出,而匯集出一股正義?然的力量,  沛沛然不可抵禦,此觀1986年菲律賓上百萬的婦女們走上街頭,以和平對抗馬可仕之獨裁,而推翻馬可仕;又如1977年在阿根廷獨裁統治時期,所有母親拿著失?兒子的相片走上街頭在五月廣場抗議,要求政府「還我兒子來」;又如1989年在天安門廣場學生的和平靜坐,一個人獨立阻擋一整列的坦克車,這種大無畏的精神,吸引全球的注意,打動世人的心,而引起更大的回響與支援,而透過外在集體施壓方式,對該事件所在國施壓,而促成事件的成功與目的的達成。


