
大學老師 吳兆鈺
  一位老師邀我為世界公民寫一篇短文。她懇切地說,現今世界環境因人類無止盡的欲望而遭到破壞,導致災難苦果接二連三地出現。有什麼方法能夠讓人警醒,聚合善念並進一步謀求解決之道,或至少能夠彼此協助、共渡難關?我想到幾年前,當處於人生幽谷之際,因緣際會地在網路上讀到《慈愛經》(metta sutta),還曾經花了一整個晚上的時間譯成中文如下: The Buddha's Words on Loving-Kindness (Metta Sutta) 慈愛經 This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness, and who seeks the path of peace. 懿德與尋道之人應如是行: Let them be able and upright, straightforward and gentle in speech, Humble and not conceited, contented and easily satisfied. Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful, Not proud and demanding in nature. Let them not do the slightest thing that the wise would later reprove. 他應有能力、誠實、正直、婉言、謙遜、知足、輕行、簡約、平和、圓融,不驕矜狂妄,亦不以惡小而為之。 Wishing in gladness and in safety: May all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be, Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, those living near and faraway, Those born and to-be-born - May all beings be at ease. 應願眾生身心安樂 - 無論其為何物、是弱是強、是大是小、能見未見、或遠或近、既生未生,願眾生身心安樂! Let none deceive another, nor despise any being in any state. Let none through anger or ill-will wish harm upon another: Even as a mother protects with her life her child, her only child, So with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; Radiating kindness over the entire world: Spreading upwards to the skies and downwards to the depths; Outwards and unbounded, freed from hatred and ill-will. 不彼此欺騙,不自命清高,不因盛怒邪念而心懷怨懟: 應如母親捨身護子,照護眾生,慈披十方: 上至有頂天,下至無間獄,慈心無礙,永離怨懟。 Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down, Free from drowsiness, one should sustain this recollection. This is said to be the sublime abiding. By not holding to fixed views, the pure-hearted one Having clarity of vision, being freed from all sense desires, Is not born again into this world. 行住坐臥,皆應時刻奉行,此即無量修行之法。除見離欲、心淨視明之人,將永離惡趣,不墮輪迴。   我想,在環境與社會皆日趨頹壞的現下,我們所要堅持的,或許就是這個能念及萬物的「心」。心正了、穩了,也就能善待那些甚至尚未出生的萬物,達到和諧。這是一條艱困的路,但卻是值得嘗試的路。