
台北市私立復興實驗高級中學 陶學文

How to protect our world?? As you can see, the world has lots of natural disasters, but we’ve never thought of that the disasters are made of our self, but why? People over use too much things, paper, water …… So we should protect our world, by are action! What we do will help the world a lot, the little action of yours might not be too helpful, but if everyone on the world can do that action, than that will be a really big power!!! When you are wasting your food, paper or everything, have you ever think of the kids that don’t have anything, and died of hunger, we should protect our world, and do the right thing even when no one is watching!!! We could protect our world by doing lots of thing, like we should not cut down that much trees, and walk more instead of riding, take shower, don’t take bath…….. These things that you’ll do everyday, but you can change it in a minute, the world need our help. The world is where we live; we should appreciate it, and not destroy it. 7 ho 30 Sharon