Human Rights

Mike Calvello/Capital Credit

For most people, the idea of fostering stronger environmental and human rights seem like noble aspirations but something is out of their grasp. In reality, this could not be farther from the truth.  While many people go about their daily lives without much thought towards them, others are deeply concerned.  The challenge for those concerned individuals is that they feel that their efforts are not enough to make a tangible change. 

I believe the first and most important obstacle to overcome is education.   Once a person acquires knowledge about the global environmental status along with countries that  infringe or curtail human rights they can use that knowledge to work in conjunction with their strengths.  For example, if an individual is a  painter learns about abuses taking place in a foreign country, he can use his artistic skills to create a painting that exhibits a literal or symbolic representation of the oppression or injustice.  When his friends or family see the painting, they will most likely ask about the subject matter.  The artist can then explain the meaning behind the piece, further educating more people to the issue of human rights. 

Once a person has begun their educational process they can set some goals for themselves.  An example here is improving the environment.  Once you learn how easily  you can reduce your carbon footprint,  the next step would be to make a list of daily objectives.  These can be as easy as taking a shorter shower, only using the dishwasher when completely full and washing with less water.  By letting your friends know that you have begun to make this change, you can consequently challenge them to do the same.  Even if one person joins you in conservation, it is an additional step in conserving our precious finite resources.

I think that with a little bit of encouragement and focus, anyone can make these positive proactive changes in their lives.  The effect will not only make one happier inside, but could very well lead to the improvement and survival of others.