How To Protect Earth

Joanne Hsu/student/Ours American school

Today sees the annual earth hour event take place, when all of us, everywhere around the world are encouraged to turn out their lights. For just one hour a year, starting at 8 30pm on March 28th. You should shut off your power to promote energy conservation.

Earth hour is merely the pre-show warm up earth day which occurs on April 22nd every year. This video, which is actually a trailer for the BCCs planet earth series, shows what we are all being urged to protect.

Earth day is a 24 hours period in which to celebrate the planet we live on. Look at its beauty, think about what we as humans are doing to it, conserve energy, and above all educate the people who think it doesn’t actually matter a jot.

There are many ways to commemorate earth day 2009: use no electricity; walk or ride your bike instead of using your car; help clean up your neighborhood and promote local recycling efforts. Just do something.