Destruction in the Philippines

Mardheeya S. Nuruddin/Student/AE Memorial Science High School

Philippines, as a developing country, is rich in natural resources. Its mountainous areas are rich in natural resources. Its wide taxonomy of flora and fauna makes up rich ecological biodiversity. It is blessed with natural irrigation, optimum rainfall and favorable climate. Its bodies of water and river networks are vast sources of renewable energy while the oceans and seas boast of marine life. But, at the negative side, comes big problem like problems in peace and order and global warming. Media, as part of the technology, is active. And the headlines in the newspaper are mostly problems on peace and global warming.

Peace is a quality describing a society or a relationship that is operating harmoniously. This is commonly understood as the absence of hostility or the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships. It is the state of being absent of any war or conflict.

Problems in peace are very common in the Philippines. There are five common peace problems. The first is the personal and family problem. In the light of many of our problems, like the lack of basic education and perhaps we can stress the lack of values education, education in morality, in knowing what is right and what is wrong. This is a major challenge in terms of promoting personal and family integrity. Next is the problem in human rights and democracy. Violence is also a common problem. Extra judicial killing are happening in the Philippines.  Next is poverty which is caused by corruption. So it is again a challenge not only for peace advocates but for all of us to do our own part in minimizing and hopefully in eliminating vestiges of corruption in our public life. Last is problem on armament and hostilities. We are very much preoccupied with the issue of terrorism and yet we must remind ourselves that all of us can be a perpetrator of terrorism in our community.

On the other hand, global warming is also one of the problems of many Filipinos especially the Philippine Government. Many of us are suffering from global warming. The Philippines is “extremely vulnerable to the ravages of climate change,” the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said. The temperature in the Philippines reaches 40 degrees Celsius. The Philippine government has a big responsibility in reducing environmental problems. Although, there are movements to lessen environmental problems in the country, many Filipinos are unaware of what are the right things that will help lessen environmental problems and what are the things that worsen the environmental situation. Also, many Filipinos are not aware of what are the possible effects that global warming can bring us.

Moreover, Every Filipino citizen has the responsibility to help build peace in the country and lessen environmental problems. Every Filipino Citizen should contribute to give solutions to our problem. If all Filipino people will contribute and participate to build peace and lessen environmental problems, then Philippines would be even better for our generation and for the next generation.