Someone I would like to thank…

Kailey Larsen/Teacher/Maryland Language Institute, Changhua City, Taiwan

As I reflect back at the people and things I would like to thank I am now realizing that the list could go on forever. There are numerous people whom have played an influential role in my life, and led me to be the person that I am today. There are also people that I do not know personally but, I would like to thank, because they are either working to make my life better day by day or have done something influential in society in the past to leave a mark on me.

The list of people I would like to thank personally again like I mentioned could go on for ages, so I’ll choose several people in particular to recognize. First of all I would like to thank my parents. They not only gave me everything I have but, they made me the person I am today. They gave me the motivation and courage to face the world and let me know that I can do it! I would also like to thank my Grandmother and Aunt Katy, I love these ladies for showing me the power of love. These ladies show true endless love to everyone they meet no matter their circumstances. I’ve learned a lot from them and their wisdom, for this I would like to thank them. The last individuals I would like to thank personally would be my teachers throughout my life. Whether you taught me in my kindergarten years or were a college professor, thank you. You opened my eyes and helped me see and learn new things that I otherwise wouldn’t have. These teachers have given me to the power to go out and be a power for good in the world, they have taught me that knowledge is the key to success. Thank you.

Secondly, they were numerous people I do not know personally but would like to thank. These are the people who keep society going. The people who do the work that most of us don’t want to do but, the work that is crucial to be done. The people I’m referring to are individuals such as garbage men, police officers, government officials, factory workers, mailmen, and the list goes on. Thank you to these people you keep society running, without you it would be mass chaos. Lastly, comes influential people. Thank you to people who have had the courage to do something different and cause a change in the world. Thank you, for opening the eyes of the world to a new perspective and improving everyone’s well being while doing it. Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, to name a few. Thank you for having the courage to be different.