Our Hope

FANCV – Fundación Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad President/ Graciela R. Yanovsky

Graciela R. Yanovsky
President of FANCV – Fundación Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad
(Argentine Foundation to the Nations Path to the Truth)

Going beyond the boundaries of mediocrity involves walking the Path of Self-improvement, accepting the Greatness that only the Humbles can see: Deciding the change means recognizing the Inner Truth...

Daring to walk the Path to the Truth.
Which are the steps we consider necessary to take in order to protect the lives of our children...?

 Which is the field of action that we accept, consciously and even unconsciously, as valid in order to develop our ability to be truly Men, Women, Fathers, Mothers, Communicators, Citizens...? Workers both emotionally and financially Faithful to the principles that today we judge suitable "as efficient treatments" to avoid greater evils in the future of our daily activity, disguised of apparent responsibility that denies with impunity in the “deception of integrity” with which day after day we mortgage the future of our children... and therefore, that of the entire community, fusing into the mediocrity of our own self-justification.

 We are aware that… the “drug-dependence of greed” is not only due to deficiencies hidden in the diversity of emotionally personal points of views that, while coloured in ethical, religious and ethnic principles, political ideas, family traditions, among others, are provided by the system of impunity imposed by several interests that are far from observing basic preventive measures that are inherent to the State’s Responsibility to Protect the Community, which relies on it...

 Worldwide Workers, Brothers and Sisters, Judges that in the University of Life experience the juggling of the transformative alchemy, which turns them into Fathers and Mothers of families, who do not ignore the pain that involves recovering a child, that wrapped in his own blindness’ negligence, is unable of recognizing the boundaries between good and evil, between the consequences arising from their decisions and, even less, the implication and projection of this in Social Responsibility that corresponds to all as Citizens of the Republic… that we Managed to Win…

My dear Brothers and Sisters... Tacit Strategists, in Times of Definitions...
Today is the First Day...
Today, is the beginning of our Whole Rehabilitation, which at Science and Conscience, transforms into Life what death left behind...
Today is the First Day of a Different Job...

Today, we decide that this is not the world that we want to live in...
Today, is the time of the opportunity that has been given to us not to look back, but to order the resurrection of a New Time that calls workers around the world to turn down the page of lies, recovering Sovereignty that converts utopia into Life, Truth, in order to Safeguard Right and Do Justice.

For a World in Peace in the Justice of the Truth,
For a better world, Path to the Truth.