Protection of Human Rights

City Montessori School/Fatima Firdous

The winds of despair are blowing in from every direction. People are facing exploitation of every sort. Death, destruction and loss of money and property is the routine of the day. Yes; I am taking of the time just after the Second World War. A time of absolute misery for majority of people is across the world. This was the time were the world realized the very need for such rights which would be common to every human being. Some rights that would protect the weaker against the strong, provide each individual equality of treatment and opportunity ensure sufficient information to everybody for enability correct decision making beats to fulfu for everybody the basic human needs for food, clothing, shelter, health, education work and social security; and these rights later came to be known as human rights.

The universal declaration of human rights was adopted by the general assembly of the United Nations on December 10th 1948, just three years after the second worlds war came to an end. This declaration provides comprehensive protection to all against all forms of injustice and human right relations. It dynes specific right such as civil, political, economic, social and literal rights.  

The ECOSOC or the economic and social council, an important organ by the U.N.O was set up in 1946, has been assigned. The work by checking the violation of the universal human rights all our the world. Several NGOs scattered here and there in different countries are also trying to fight for human rights. One such important NGO is CHRI (Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative) which is an important independent international NGO working for the practical realization of human rights. CHRI has also worked in India for police reforms prison reforms and access to Justice. These issues were discussed in a judicial colloquia held in New Delhi from 2002-2005. Indian NGOS like deepalaya are also fighting for issues like women empowerment, under issues, girl child, pollution, education, urban development, health etc.

These human rights have provided really beneficial for the people all across the world. They have harped exploiting people to raise their standers of tiling. Human rights have given freedom from seavery, cruel in human treatment. These rights have given freedom of thought, conscience and religion to all the people by the world. Human rights have worked for the upliftment of the economic condition of people are across the globe. These rights now from the backbone of a democratic society.

But again; Although human rights are considered to be universal wide disparity exists between their implementation in the developed and developing countries. But then to our government has taken several steps to safeguard and implement them. The constitution of India grants to its people civil, political, economic and social rights for improving their life through the provisions of fundamental rights and directive principals of the state policy. Therefore today we see that away common citizen enjoys all the rights which are common to his other follow citizen. This kind of equality gives an atmosphere in which a human being can grow, develop an excel!.