Protect Environment

City Montessori School / DIYA PANDEY

“ Our environment is a precious gift, which thee hath bestowed on us”
                             Jane E. Hopkins

 Our environment constitutes the biotic and biotic components which surround us. Our environment has fostered all foams of life, from the very beginning. All needs of our habitat and food have been accomplished by our environment. A century ago , the human population and it’s careless actions were easily sustainable by the nature. But now the time has changed. The current actions of the people lead to pollution, increase of waste, deforestation etc. which tend to create an imbalance in nature. So we should discourage these types of activities.

 At we know that water is a priceless gift from nature. It has been used by us from centuries in almost all aspects of life. In spite of knowing the obvious importance of water, human beings still use water bodies as garbage dumps.

 In all types of industries, certain quantities of residue material are left which are after thrown in the rivers, A part of the chemical fertilizers and pesticides is absorbed by plants on spraying, but the remaining is washed away by running water which ultimately find their way to rivers; radioactive wastes from nuclear installations are discharged into water. These   wastes contaminate the water and make it unsuitable for use. It also threatens the aquatic life.
Thus we should not pollute water; instead we should conserve water and also tell others to do so.

 Trees are also one of the greatest gifts of nature. The forests are life a beautiful green blanked worn over by the earth. We are dependent on trees, for the numerous things that they give us; they give us oxygen to breathe; wood for making furniture; medicines; games and resins; fruits shelter to animals etc. the list is endless. But, still people are cutting trees on a huge scale. It this continues to happen, then one day there would be no trees on this Earth!

 Trees are the bungs of our environment. If they hill finish, then we will also finish. Trees also bind the soil which prevents the soil from being washed away.

 To , increase awareness of forest conservation, a great activity was held in 1973 launched by C.P. Bhatt and Sunderlal Bahuguna the chip to movement, sought to protect trees from indiscriminate felling of trees. Local women of  the district, tried to save the trees and clung to them. The contractors were forced to withdraw and this way they saved a me. Of trees. These people must be a great source of inspiration for us.

 Thus we should discourage deforestation and encourage a forestation, and make this earth a green and clean earth and a better to live in.

 Air is also essential for life. It supplies oxygen for respiration and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. It maintains the temperature of the pollute the air. Air is polluted by the smoke released by vehicles,  by burning of waste and by the smoke relieved by the factories. Thus we should not pollute the air and we should plant more trees which give out fresh air which helps in reducing the effect of air pollution.

 We should not throw wastes on the rood. As it makes our surroundings dirty and give out foul Odoacer. Non – renewable wastes like polythene and plastics give out a lot of smoke on burning. So instead of burning them, we must try to recycle them. Radioactive wastes give out radiations which can cause skin cancer. So they must be disposed off properly. ACs give out guesses like chlorofluorocarbons and by drochlouoflourocarbone which on mixing with water vapor our causes acid rain. This damages the crops, causes skin cancer and irritation eyes and it also damages the monuments. Thus, we should not use ACs for a long time.

 So we must try to conserve our environment and give our ‘bit’ in protecting the  environment. Let us all pledge to make our earth a green and clean earth and a heaven like place to live in. we must try to enrich our environment, which is a boon to us, bestowed from god.