Responsibility of World Citizens and the Unity of Humans and Nature for the Transition to the Planet of Love and Peace

Nina Goncharova, Founder, GONG 3000 and Planet 3000, Russia

“Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.”
- Bernice Johnson Reagon

What is happening on our Earth?
In order to be aware of our responsibility for human rights development for world citizens we should become aware of what is happening on our planet Earth. Our Mother Earth is totally changing - both scientific research and intuitive enlightenments speak about an extraordinary transition process taking place now. Our Mother Earth is being born as a New Earth. The entire biosphere is being transformed, and it gives place to noosphere – enlightened collective consciousness. There are also great changes happening inside the spiritual world of humans. Inside our souls, initial highest gifts – the ability to love and to create – are awakening. In the event that we do not hear our inner calls for awakening – the Earth has to use “strict measures”. Earthquakes, floods, tsunami and other natural cataclysms are visible signs for the whole of humanity. It is time to wake up! It’s time to become a united humanity. It is time for World Citizens to unite as one human family for effective actions to make the transition into a New Earth – one of love and peace – as mild as possible.

Why are we here?
We are here to create and ennoble life with love. Our conscious presence on Earth can help our planet to go through the necessary changes more easily. We are here to create conditions for the people of Earth to awaken from unconscious life, based on ignorance, unlimited consumption and sufferings into a conscious life, based on reunion with the Higher Source in order to create harmonious relationships with our true selves, with each other, with nature, with the whole Universe to enter together into another world of high vibrations – a planet of love and peace.

We all have been getting ready for many lifetimes to take part in this transition. The question arises: HOW can we help Mother Earth to be transformed as the planet of love and peace? The answer comes – we are not only meant to be capable of adapting to new life conditions, but to become sources of love and peace, thus to be aligned with high vibrations of love. For the first time, our planet is really becoming available to love. Many international movements based on the same philosophical love and peace visions and common aspirations prove it. Among them, UN/NGO Association of World Citizens (AWC), the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, International Association of World Educators for Peace, Foundation of the Law of Time, Love Foundation, Education for World Citizens movement and many others.

We are all here to awaken and synchronize the collective consciousness of the planet. We are here to create conditions for children and all people of the Earth to awaken and realize their divine potential and become conscious of their mission on Earth – to heal nature and the world with presence and love. For this, a new education, with a “human face” – Education for World Citizens is needed. Eleven “Education for World Citizens” congresses have been conducted in Russia in a non -formal atmosphere in a natural environment, including children – for creating theoretical and practical models of such types of education.

What does the Earth look for?
Our Earth is a living being! And she looks for humane attitudes from humanity as a whole. All outer borders created by people reflect the inner state of people’s consciousness. Truly, what is inside is outside! Earth is longing for people who can heal her with their feelings of love, gratitude and attention. She is longing to heal people on her side. She wants to feel our bare feet, tender touching, and silent conversation.

V. Vernadsky, the Russian scientist, co-founder of the noosphere doctrine (1863-1945), spoke about the capacities of people to influence nature and even to create new species of animals and plants. With our inner state, with feelings of love, we can consciously influence nature and the world. The Earth is ready for mutual cooperation so that the transformation of both humans and nature can take place. The transformation of humans is: to become aware of who we are as a part of the Universe and as the vessel of a divine essence living inside our healthy bodies. Physical health is a natural consequence of meaningful life. Transformation of nature includes awakening ancient and new qualities and obtaining a new body and a new collective field around the Earth –one we call noosphere.

How can we awaken ourselves as catalyzers of peace and love and harmonizers for nature and the world?

We should create a natural environment for humanity instead of an artificial life people have to live in. It means that we should create conditions for people to live according to their real inner essence – to live in mutual acceptance and support instead of competitions, to live in nature instead of artificial surroundings, to live in communities according to their heart’s resonance and attraction. These thoughts are based on 13 years of practical activity within the planetary experiment initiated from the Higher Will for creating the unity of Heaven and Earth. It started with Arkaim expedition in 1996 and went on with Himalayan expedition in 1997 for connecting the world as one. In the Himalaya, we envisioned a radiant network all over and above the Earth. Since that time, many cultural expeditions of peace with children and adults took place in the sacred places all over Russia and the planet – Altai, Baikal, Arkaim, Egypt, Great Britain, North and South America, Greece, France and India. We have been discovering that when people are consciously present in nature, and turn attention to their inner world, when they create harmonious relationships with nature, with oneself and with each other, harmonization of collective consciousness happens.

In the sacred and energetically powerful places of the Earth, the process of transition happens in a more effective way than in the cities, where people, their feelings and inner state are more influenced by the negative media, artificial beliefs and actions. In the cities, we cannot observe the vital and obvious signs of the way it happens in nature. In nature, Heaven and Earth immediately demonstrate our total interconnection and the way the Earth and Heaven are happy when people are consciously present and share love and peace. We witness a conscious unity of humans and nature. In this unity a human being and his consciousness serve as catalizers of a new quality of life (Т. Akbashev) for both nature and the inner world of humans. Our practice proved that the degree of harmonization of relationships among people directly influences nature. Obviously, more conscious cooperation with nature is capable to awaken new as well as lost qualities of nature. Through the opened hearts of people from different places of the planet a balance between all parts of the planet’s biosphere and a conscious transition into noosphere happens, as if different parts of a torn piece of fabric come together when they are sewn.

What can be done by World Citizens working together?
There is a huge world citizens family all over the world. The first noble task to be solved is to spread the theory and practice of Education for World Citizens – the one that creates conditions for awakening a human as a God human (Yan Amos Komensky). The second task is to unite and synchronize already-created collective inspiring streams of thoughts and actions so that a united collective consciousness of humanity can be born. The aim of this united planetary consciousness is to lead the existing planetary consciousness from an emotionally non-balanced state that is dangerous due to aggressiveness that pours destructive power into the environment of the planet and beyond– into a new state of Yin – Yan balance of people with the capacity to create outside a new quality of life from their inner state of love and peace. The third fundamental task is to raise the consciousness of world leaders. We can effectively cooperate with the UN as it has great opportunities for bringing together heads of governments. World Citizens, heads of governments, spiritual leaders of the planet can meet in nature in a non formal humane atmosphere – in the male/female balance - at one of the healing places of the planet for e.g. Baikal Lake in 2011. A joint planetary program for preparations leading to 2012 and beyond should be made together through a circle of spiritual leaders of the planet who are already active on the Earth. In cooperation with nature, a planetary “tuning fork” allowing humanity to tune into new vibrations of love and peace can be created. It will lead to providing conditions for global health and for people of the Earth to learn not only to do no harm to the Earth and to all beings but to become capable of consciously and collectively healing the planet and all environments with presence, feelings, touching and love. The fourth and both most simple and complicated task is for every world citizen to feel an ever growing responsibility for consciously changing his life paradigm and controlling the inner state, feelings, emotions, words, actions – that directly influence not only life on Earth but the entire Universe.

For this transition process, all world citizens need inner courage as only the spiritually courageous people can consciously focus on the desirable image of the future and create this future together without staying focused on the negative processes going on. Every human being as a part of nature and the Universe has an unlimited creative potential and possesses the tools of creation – consciousness, thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. So, having all the tools of creation, world citizens can rehabilitate, regenerate and heal the environment and awaken ever newer qualities within souls and in nature. Collective consciousness has the same capacities but much stronger and more powerful because of the synergy effect. Through unity and tuning into each other, nature and humanity can consciously harmonize the planetary consciousness. By tuning the hearts of people and tuning with the Earth’s heart we can overcome the coming threshold of entering another world in a milder way.

There is a planetary tendency in the world now to move from cities into small and friendly communities in nature so that the unity of men and the nature can be restored. Much work has been done in all corners of the world and much more work is to be done to awaken consciousness so that people can live in mutual support, in acceptance, in a new interconnected garden of spiritual eco-communities. World Citizens, UN and governments of the world are invited to support all kinds of such initiatives starting with providing the land and other ways of support. In cooperation with Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation of the Law of Time, HUMANITAD foundation, people For New Life and international Education for World Citizens movements , a network of interconnected peace communities is in the process of creation. These hearths of new life are meant to become a self sufficient planetary community to balance the Earth in the approaching new conditions of high vibrations. Practical research work will be undertaken towards raising collective cooperation between humans and nature, realizing the capacity of feelings to influence and uplift nature, for telepathical interconnection of all people to synchronize planetary consciousness. These international villages open to the entire world will create conditions for the youth of the world to meet and live together, to awaken dreams and to co-create joint projects for life. A model image of such a place was collectively created by the youth of the world in 2007 at Altai. One of the spiritual eco-communities has been already created in Siberia in the south Krasnoyarsk region. The pre conditions for this network have been created in different parts of the planet. World Citizens are invited to close cooperation to make this dream for uniting different communities based on love and peace, real. They will also serve as hearths of creative information inspiring people and presenting models of new life to the world.

During the transition process of a WORLD, creative information and inspiring art play a great role. “Global Commitment to Safeguarding the Planet”, The 2008 Concert of Thanksgiving and Gratitude conducted by UN/NGO Association of World Citizens (AWC), the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) and the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, has become a brilliant model of such new art, that presents graceful unity of Heaven and Earth and world activity for love and peace. The unforgettable Bell of Peace ceremony, energy boys and girls dance performance brought a deep feeling of a new time arriving. It inspired, lit up hearts with joy and courage to create. It brought the feeling of awesomeness of taking part in the transition into a planet of love and peace. Creating a network of film studios, new TV for bringing love and peace visions and actions, that inspire and serve the oneness – is a demand of our times.

So, Education for World Citizens, in cooperation with the UN, a network of international peace communities, raising consciousness of the world leaders, creative media and arts can and will create conditions for awakening every human being and humanity to become gates for entering a new world epoch of love and peace. It leads to reestablishing global health because meaningful and conscious life brings moral, social and physical health. Together we can create conditions for the next generations to live on a planet of love and peace, one of conscious creators ennobling life on Earth and the Universe. The 2010 Summit on Human Rights for World Citizens ‘The Responsibility of World Citizens for the Human Rights Development for World Citizens’ is really a wonderful opportunity for world citizens to unite according to common aspirations and the resonance of hearts. To unite and become aware that human rights development is impossible without our individual and collective responsibility for life and our joint creative activity for positive world citizenship. I would like to quote a sentence from Dr-Hong’s article sent to the 11th Education for World Citizens congress in 2007: “World citizens are being tested by Heaven. We are to find the key of wisdom within adversity, which is to be adaptive to the changing environment”… For the first time in humanity’s history we are given the opportunity not to disappear inside cataclysms during the great transition that had been happening every 26 000 years. We are meant to find ways of cooperation to become one and not only to survive but to live consciously for eternity in love and peace. A new page of a star legend is being written by us, people of the Earth on the edge of another world.

*Nina Goncharova - president of Siberian center for Eurasian projects, founder of GONG 3000 planetary network, Planet 3000 project coordinator, co chairwoman of Education for World Citizens Congress, Theatre of New Time producer, Honorary International Development Committee Member of FOWPAL, International Association of Educators for Peace member of Counsel, Global Harmony Association member, World Poets Society member, Love Ambassador of Foundation of Love. For 13 years she has been active in cultivating cooperation, deep ecology development, children and youth creativity for life. Since 1996, she has been a part of planetary activity for creating a critical mass of awareness for preparing the transition into noosphere. Together with Talgat Akbashev she has been creating a stream of interconnected Planet 3000 events for awakening consciousness in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan. Together with artists from all over the world, she made Theatre of New Time presentations (synthesis of songs, poems, paintings, and video) in Russia, USA, India, Greece, Grain Britain, Brazil, Taiwan and France.