Association of World Citizens UN/NGO/DPI/ECOSOC WORLD CITIZENS ASSEMBLY 2001

WHEREAS, one year into the new millennium, the threat of nuclear war remains a terrifying possibility in the twenty-first century and the militarization of space threatens to ignite a new nuclear arms race; and

WHEREAS, through globalization, a widening division between rich and poor has been created, with 20% of the world's population owning more than 80% of the world's wealth and the same rich 20% consume 80% of the world's resources; and

WHEREAS, scientific studies indicate that the present depletion of the world's resources and climate warming have imperiled the ecological system, biodiversity, and many corporations, along with the weapons industry, have produced unlimited toxic wastes which exterminated countless thousands of species and imperiled the entire life system of the planet; and

WHEREAS, human values have deteriorated through obsession with materialism, mass consumption, and depletion of the earth's resources for profit, and as humanity now has the technological tools and means of communication to resolve these problems;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is imperative to abolish all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction and the sale of weapons for profit. The survival of the human race depends on eliminating the war system with its economic, cultural and political implications. Future conflicts among peoples must be settled within the peaceful framework of international law,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that globalization must be democratic to benefit all people ,leading to the eradication of poverty and ending the mass destruction of the world's resources ,and not allowing our technologies to out distance our humanity.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the United Nations must be supported by both governments and people and be made more democratic and representative including a People's Assembly to provide moral and spiritual values alongside the General Assembly of nations. Furthermore, the Security Council needs to be restructured so as not to allow any nation to make the world hostage through its present veto power, and become the institution that provides security to all the people of the world,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to spread peaceful messages to every corner of the world and to overcome the culture of war that ravaged the twentieth century, we must create a new culture of peace as specified by the United Nations 53rd Session of the General Assembly, and its plan of action. This could be the foundation of a new civilization based on respect toward all life, with peace in our hearts and love of the world,with better communication among human beings, through cultural exchange programs,through peace education, and where human progress is measured not merely in economic gain, but through compassion and caring for others,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as responsible citizens of the world, we call upon all peoples, all governments, international institutions and the United Nations to achieve these goals during the first decade of the new millennium.

