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Request for Articles for the Anniversary of Taiwan World Citizenship Day

Speech by Dr. Hong Tao Tze, President of AWC Taiwan

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, delegates of the Association of World Citizens Taiwan, delegates of the Federation of World Peace and Love, delegates of the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, good evening!

Today is a historic day. The spirit of Chinese traditional culture transmits a culture of peace and the Chinese are a peace-loving people. Therefore, I announced April 1, 2001, as World Citizenship Day in Taiwan during the "Cultural Feast of World Citizens," a program of the 2001 World Citizens Assembly. This was witnessed by President Chen Shui-bian of the Republic of China, Mr. Douglas Mattern, President of the Association of World Citizens, representatives of world citizens from over 50 countries, government representatives, ambassadors from various countries, senators, legislators, and guests from each country. We appreciate their presence to allow us to share this international day together, which symbolizes that we want world peace in our hearts.

The origin of peace comes from harmony between man and nature; human rights come from respect among peoples. With "love" as the motivation, cultural exchange combines our "spiritual" strength, so to share freedom among world citizens, to protect human rights, and to reach the goal of world peace.

Man is born with dignity, equality, and human rights, which are not to be deprived. The idea of human rights assures every individual's fundamental rights in the society and country to which one belongs. It is the foundation of liberty, justice, and peace in the world, which also protects the right to life, equality and property, and secures the freedom of body and spirit, economics and politics. Based on the theory of democracy, a free group formed in a democratic nation can easily resolve their conflicts, and then foster it into an international environment where people can co-exist peacefully.

Looking at the trend of the 21st century, every country has realized the importance of human rights. The Charter of the United Nations emphasizes the strong relationship between human rights and world peace. In addition, the UN considers the goals of protecting human rights and maintaining world peace related to each other. Most of the democratic and economically well-developed countries respect human rights. On the other hand, the origin of potential international violence usually comes from countries that discriminate against human rights.

Therefore, every opportunity of interaction and exchange that helps to promote respect and co-existence between people, countries and races is the path leading people toward genuine peace, wealth, justice and happiness.

As a world citizen, I have the responsibility to encourage you, people from all over the world, nations' governments, international organizations, and the United Nations to work together to observe each other's reform. May world citizens' concern for human rights lead people to love themselves, their own countries, other people, others' countries, and to respect life and nature, and to promote human rights, so to enter a new century of peace.

Lastly, I wish everyone health and safety, and that the world will soon be a peaceful one. Thank you.

Dr. Hong Tao Tze President, Association of World Citizens in Taiwan
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