


聯合國NGO世界公民總會, 4月1號世界公民日在台灣舉辦了一場法稅論壇,今年以督促台灣政府,加強賦稅人權的概念為主題。

Association of World Citizen(AWC), UN NGO, held a forum of tax and law on April 1st, the World Citizen Day. The topic of this year is to urge Taiwanese government and enhance the concept of taxpayers’ human rights.

來自德國Osnabrueck大學駐台教授Lukas Lien指出台灣的司法應向德國學習,因為他們用人權的觀念來建構國家的公權力,而人權更是普世的價值,如此人民的生活才有保障。

Lukas Lien, professor from the Osnabrueck University, Germany, pointed out that Taiwan’s judicial system should learn from the German. Human rights are the universal value and Germany constructs the public power with the concept of human rights so that the life of people is protected.

/Super: Prof. Lukas Lien

Article 1 of German Basic Law
Human dignity is inviolable.
German regards human dignity
as the whole country’s justice and righteousness,
which is the most important foundation
of the entire country’s development.


The forum is presented by multi-language. Most of the speakers are students who care about the country. They hope that Taiwan’s tax issues could be seen, calling for the government to value taxpayer’s rights and be brave to correct the mistakes.
/Super: Graduate Student / Joanne

I think tax is really important for every citizen, especially for the entire country. It’s the essential element of the country.

/Super: Graduate Student / Eloy

Why I mentioned the results of tax reform
from other countries is because
Taiwan faces the same issues as well.
I hope that the government could understand
what they should do through today’s calling.


Tax issue is in every country. What society needs is to learn from mistakes and protect the awareness of human rights. As a consequence, we call for every world citizen to care about each other and the society as well, protecting the Mother Earth with our conscience.





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