

Jensheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Mr.Chen, wen pin, 陳文斌
   女兒Megan在私立女子高校就讀, 今年經由學校推甄參加大學甄試, 經學校公佈錄取'資訊傳播工程學系';那一刻間身為人父之喜悅,肯定女兒三年在校之學成,師長孜孜不倦之教誨、鼓勵、責切, 倍感師情之深愛; 女兒繕寫'備審'資料中,留老爸篇幅,希望能寫段家人勉勵的話,一時間還喜悅著'吾家有女初長成', 寫下老爸之勉勵及期許:
(另文還特別邀請Uncle Wayne齊勉勵)

Dear Megan(韻竹),


【做21世紀的人才】; 爸爸很贊同系主任特別推薦同學閱讀陳開復先生大作,來作為未來大學學習方向之指引;尤其第7章 "大學生活應該這麼度過",其中有段 〞大學是人的一生中最為關鍵的階段。從入學的第一天起,應當對大學四年有正確的認識和規劃....〝 所以在未來的4年我將盡全力求學,尊循系所師長的指導,建立基楚知識、培養興趣,來提升自我競爭力。有人說:「最大的競爭對手就是自己」,我期許自己不斷的和自己賽跑,「爬上一座高山後,妳會發現更多高山在等妳」,所以,我相信學習是無止盡的,只有不斷充實才能培養智慧。

  其實妳能推甄入選′資訊傳播工程‵最高興的應該是爸爸;這幾天確實表現心急,真想趕緊把妳拉來公司一五一十轉述公司的電腦系統在做什麼?那天例舉科技迅速之發展, 因電腦系統及電子設備加入製藥製程, 將直接或間接影響生產過程,該電腦設備需要實施computer validation。

   有一回車載上學,前座看著妳左手三明治,右扶手機keyin簡訊回覆,當場與妳談及手機將主導未來之溝通(commution) ,手機界面之開發將是資訊業之重要課題,閒話提及, 培養觀察周遭之事物;放心那只是老爸之期盼,隨後瀏覽學系之網頁,若妳能順利入學在學校師長引導下,爸爸肯定告訴妳,在妳一生中最為關鍵階段,能有機會系統性接受教育建立知識基礎,跨入未來。


老爸 ap.chen@yahoo.com

Dear 韻竹,
I am very pleased to hear that you are interested in the CSCE degree at the Providence University. I had the chance to browse through the curriculum and am very excited to learn about your college opportunity. I especially like the fact that this school works with other companies to provide you the real life problems as the challenges to its graduates. This is one of the ways to bridge the gap between books and real-life issues. I encourage you to make the best of this opportunity as it will prepare your well for the future.

I am glad that we had the opportunities to chat when I visited you these past five years. I feel that with your persistent and flexible personality, computer science degree seems to be a good fit for you. With the CSCE degree from Providence University, you will be equipped with the tools that will help you solve future business problems and build up your confidence gradually.

Please let us know when you have made your final decision. We are all looking forward to your visit this summer. Remember my five year old daughter who looks just like you? She has been talking about your visit and has been trying to find ideas on how to share her life with you during your visit.

Your uncle

Wayne Chen